Thrill is dead and so is u/enndeegee. Atlas shaves died a long time ago. Today it returns. Ish.

Worlds Strongest Shaver lives.

Let this be understood.


  • Don’t be a knobhead. If you’ve been a knobhead you are DQd and lose all points and cannot win.

  • You track your own score this is a month of for DJ.

  • Your daily and running total must appear in your SOTD

  • Earn at least 1 non-bonus point a day or you are out.

  • Out is Out is Out

  • Last shaver standing wins, unless more than one person makes it to Feb 28th in which case points will be compared.


6 points for shaving with the daily theme soap

4 points for shaving with the artisan who made the daily theme soap

3 points for shaving with the scenter who scented the daily theme soap

2 points for shaving with a soap with at least half of the same scent notes.

1 point for airbudding the day (only one air bud point is allowed per person)

Bonus Points

+1 point for cross posting to at least two of the core channels used by our community (reddit / lemmy, mastodon whatever else).

+1 for successfully identifying an error in another sub members SOTD or for spotting a rules infringement.

-All the points for the day for mistakenly calling out another sub member

+1 for having been a good member of the community the day before and engaging with others in the community (without breaking rule 1)

Daily Theme

**Lucky’s Dad’s rule apply so ignore PAA or Lothur **

The daily theme soap is the last latherbot quiz soap before midday GMT on the day before the date.

i.e. the 1st February theme will be the last quizzed soap by latherbot before 12 noon GMT on the 31st January. If that soap is by PAA or Lothur then the theme soap will be the one before that.


Who are the Judges?

There is no judge, just a tallyman at the end. All else is based on community policing and rule 1

How do I query a rule?

You don’t. Rules are the rules. Want to push it, fine but you risk a DQ.

How do I ask questions?

Postal queries are accepted only on postcards that have a picture of a bearded dragon on and sent in to Blue Peter.

What’s a ‘knobhead’?

British slang. If you find it hard to distinguish between being funny and mean then err on the side of caution. Some examples:

P2 can be funny but he can swing wildly, miss badly and get a cob on, and Jeff’s dry humour isn’t always spotted so he can rub people the wrong way. Neither are knobheads but both can sometimes comes across as a knobheads. They should be careful. On the other hand I don’t think I’ve ever seen you-know-who be anything but a knobhead on discord, he is probably best sitting this one out or seriously thinking about why so many people on discord have him muted.

What if I want to add a prize/side contest / something else

Don’t ask permission. Just do it.

Can I cross post this?

Sure why not?


A custom Rad Dinosaur Brush.

Custom Flair for entrants and winner

Do I look like a mod?

  • merikusMA
    1 month ago

    This isn’t too dissimilar in spirit to the very first Lather Games. We have truly come full circle.

  • djundjilaMA
    1 month ago


    I’ll might fail on day two because I’ll be in the mountains on that weekend, and there’s only one Mulligan, but a strategically well-chosen baggy of samples might just be what saves my butt?

  • iamsms
    1 month ago

    On the other hand I don’t think I’ve ever seen you-know-who be anything but a knobhead on discord, he is probably best sitting this one out or seriously thinking about why so many people on discord have him muted.

    Why you hate me, sir

    • enndeegeeOP
      1 month ago

      You I hate because you’re the Indian lather god.

      I don’t have you muted though

  • snooting
    1 month ago

    I’m in for sure, though I doubt I’ll make it to the end of the month.

  • waldenMA
    30 days ago

    Yeah, this is cool. I’m going to play along to the best of my ability.

    Do I look like a mod?

    We can arrange that.