This was part of a local Art event. It was all attached to a rotary motor which rotated 720 degrees in each direction.
To be honest i like it in the same way i like brutalism. Not sure how to explain this feeling.
Seems kinda techno-eldritch
There’s got to be a better way to heat the room…
That looks kind of rad, honestly. Was there audio paired with it?
Yes, the visuals were reactive to slow ambient music. It was nice actually!
Done properly I’m sure one could create some pretty cool visuals with a setup like this.
It actually was pretty chill to sit around this thing on a comfy couch, with slow ambient music in the background. The visuals were also reactive to the music.
“Done properly” as the projectors being invisible are a normal thing by now, with shows as “Picasso experience” (or os Van Gogh?) and other shows like this.
Being generous, it’s looks like a mess because the artist wanted it to look like a mess.
That seems like more cables than necessary.
me any time I need to connect anything “I need a 10cm cable but all I have is 3m”
They had to connect each projectors with an Ethernet cable. But they didn’t care if the cable was 30 metres too long. :D
I don’t… its ethernet, its not hard to cut it down to length and re-terminate??
Everything was borrowed from the local university. So they had no other options and probably wanted to keep it “simple”.
That takes extra effort for what’s likely a temporary thing
This was a triumph I’m making a note here: huge success It’s hard to overstate my satisfaction Aperture Science… 🎶
This is one of those things that I hate but also kinda love. Like it’s a complete mess, but it clearly took serious planning to make happen.
I appreciate the effort spent on something so goofy.
That’s a fire hazard. People don’t realize how hot projectors get.
Name of my next band.
“For your own safety, and the safety of others, please do not look into the operational end of the device”
Humankind when Shepard chooses the synthesis ending.
Looks like one of those robots from Virus.
Wow. Hahaha, well done, Red Green!
The mess is part of the art. DIWhy is not meant for modern art you don’t like.