You just I II II I_ the game.
Pretty sure the classical greeks, specifically Athens, invented femboys.
Yeah. That’s why it appears before the game.
Lebron James and Fentanyl predate classical greece?
Lebron is famously a 3000 year old nephilim
That does explain his height
Move femboys back to garlic bread, certainly the romans enjoyed both.
Ye olden ass fucking. Timeless.
I found a t-shirt with this meme except it was only fire, the wheel and Skrillex - Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites. I was heavily contemplating buying it
that goes unbelievably hard
Going to risk garlic bread pre-dates sliced bread. And lost again!
The Game
You lose the game
What is this the game?
The Game is a game you win by forgetting about The Game. When you remember or are reminded about The Game, you immediately lose. As a consequence of losing you have to announce to those in proximity that you have lost The Game, which then causes them to lose The Game as well. The Game resumes after you forget about it again.
Speaking of… I just lost The Game. Thanks.
That sounds like a dumb game which is why I have never played it.
It was invented by the webcomic housepets which means it can’t be dumb because paper bags are awesome
Why isn’t Betty White on here? Should be between The Wheel and Sliced Bread
Electricity is just fentanyl for vacuum cleaners
I don’t think it is, but I don’t know enough about vacuum cleaner drugs to argue.
Fire in series of tubes
Are air fryers really that amazing?
If you don’t own one, you’re not missing out on much. If you do own one, you love that basically anything you would otherwise cook in the oven for 30-60 minutes+20 minute pre-heat (think: frozen meals) can now be cooked in under 20 minutes with no pre-heating time or anything.
Source: went from not owning one to owning one
My parents got one and swore by it for about 2 months before storing it in the basement, and I haven’t seen it since. They also have a high end convection toaster oven and it seems to do the exact same thing, except it takes up less space and is way easier to clean. I could see getting a cheap air fryer for anyone who doesn’t want to spend a fuckton on a toaster oven but generally they seem way overhyped
Air fryers are convection ovens. They’re just in a convenient case and size. There’s literally no difference in how they work, other than being less useful than a full sized convection oven.
I suppose technically the air fryer is using a bit less energy due to the smaller size.
Having no experience with a full sized convection oven I believe air fryers are faster since they are smaller. Also, they’re cheaper and more apartment friendly than full-sized convection ovens so I’d argue they’re not useless, just serve a slightly different purpose.
I wasn’t trying to imply that they are useless. Just that as far as the food you make in them is concerned, it’s just a smaller convection oven.
Convection ovens are just as fast because of how they work. There’s basically no heat up time. They just use a lot more energy to do the same thing.
Oh, ok cool
Never heard of a convection toaster oven, but aside from being a toaster that does sound exactly like an air fryer since an air fryer is just a small (read: quicker-heating) convection oven
Also due to the quicker cooking time food comes out with different texture. My chicken thighs are juicer, chicken wings are crispier, grilled cheese is crunchier, and potatoes come out just right.
I know they are a pain in the ass to clean but the few months we went between air fryers were more painful. I don’t understand how our oven makes such bad chicken strips.
i genuinely expect the game to be one of the first things we invented
Yah, but we forgot about it for over 10,000 years. We were all winners for quite some time.
Wher harambe
In our hearts and minds
The Chevalier d’Eon disagrees with your timelineère_d’%C3%89on
Is The Bron the father of all Bronies?
Well, just lost the game
Well i guess i just lost the game…