He wanted cheezburger so bad he became one
Not enough catsup
i can iz cheeseburger?
nyancat but burger
I ordered my cat WITH cheese
whoppers r pretty gud…
Resident Evil journal page: “The sentient impossible whopper has escaped containment…”
iv eatn dis impossibru whopper thingy a buncha times (m veggie) n they r actlli preddi gud
onli downside is-.,.-, them bein grilled on de sem thingy where alsuu animal meat is on so yeaaaa,-.,-.kinda uncom ;(
but is fin-.,-. for me.-.,
This account gives me an aneurism
Keep posting like this Smorty, it’s working! /j
but if its mekin peeps uncomfy maybsies i shouldn ;(
cz i dun wan peeps to be lik “this prsn meks me hav brain diseases” thad sound lik n instult ;((
sad feels
i wsh i were jus gon from the platfrm an were a reasonbl grl instead.,–., n wouldn waste my tim with programn n lemmsies n dum ai stuff ;(
im sad n negativ rn im srri ;(
if im mekn peeps uncomf, mayb i shud becom dum ass-sole dum evil selfish capitalist investor ;( an trade stocks of nvida moni n mek moni n onli do “fnu” stff which mek peeps go “ah ys a nrml thng for men to do, yesyis continu” ;(
maybsies dis de wey to go -. ~.- ~ –+ - ~ ;(
The first rule of lemmy is to have fun and be yourself
Don’t let them get you down
Ok I have a hard time parsing what you are saying, but you seem like a nice girl. Keep on being yourself!
i appreciate your posting here :D keep it here and up :D
whadduyou mean? ;(
i dun wana mek u uncomfy ;((((
pls if u mek u uncomf, jus block me. no harsh feelings, jus do it if u dun lik me.
this is the fediverse!! u cn do whatevr u wan ur way. jus lik at brgrking. “Hav it ur way”
not as tasty as buns