I listened to your advice and made the diagram using draw.io also I now want to use this thingy to run OPNSense in bare metal instead of virtualizing it: https://www.amazon.com.mx/gp/aw/d/B09H6WCX41/ref=ox_sc_act_image_2
I stress tested my server using y-cruncher and this is the result: https://pastebin.com/raw/rKG2mkd8
I want to learn sysadmin stuff and run some services for me and my family but the main reason for this is experimenting and keeping myself busy.
what’s the plan?
He’s gonna do it. He’s gonna steal the Declaration of Independence.
Oh, the diagram is my planned setup. Sorry
Hey! I only have some recommendations on security (I’m a security nut). I would recommend you setup several vlans minimum 2 so your IoT(Smartbulbs, printers etc) are on their own virtual lan. Why? Simple your IoT stuff doesn’t get updates the same way as your other devices so they always are higher risk I would actually suggest that you block their internet connection completely. I would also not use Upnp at all especially with printers/IoT they are known to open ports via Upnp aka exposing themselves to the entire internet! I would love to help you more tbh I’m also learning, and setting everything up!