Photos by Birdergirl

Sorry for the delay, I started to feel sick last night so I’ve been asleep half the day. I didn’t get to either post I wanted to do today, so just another picture post today. I’m feeling a bit better now, so hopefully tomorrow I’ll have some good stuff for you tomorrow.

Post photo taken in British Columbia.

Comment photos in Utah.

I went down to Nevada and Idaho to see my lifer Himalayan Snowcock and Cassia Crossbills. I ended up seeing both well but the highlight of the trip was getting a photo in Utah of a bird I’ve seen many times before in BC. I suck at night photography but read up on it and was finally able to get a decent record shot of a Flammulated Owl. While owling had at least 12 of these owls plus 3 Saw-whets and 3 Great-Horneds plus quite a few Common Poorwills. Every time I see a Flammie I can’t get over how tiny they are.