• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • JustEnoughDucks@feddit.nltoLinkedinLunatics@sh.itjust.worksPDFs
    11 hours ago

    It is common knowledge.

    Bots can scrape PDFs.

    I had about 50 applications of proof where bots scraped the information from my PDF and auto-filled it into the next forms which are again simply re-typing in all of the information from your resume again (which most medium or large companies use anyway which makes the entire point moot). They can scrape PDFs unless you hand-write your resume with bad handwriting so the OCR can’t pick it up.

    Unless they got their ATS system from aliexpress, it can scrape PDFs.

  • JustEnoughDucks@feddit.nltoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldNetwork Switch
    3 days ago

    I think it has to do with data differences between self hosters and data hoarders.

    Example: a self hosted with an RPI home assistant setup and a N100 server with some paperwork, photos, nextcloud, and a small jellyfin library.

    A few terabytes of storage and their goal is to replace services they paid for in an efficient manner. Large data transfers will happen extremely rarely and it would be limited in size, likely for backing up some important documents or family photos. Maybe they have a few hundred Mbit internet max.


    A data hoarder with 500TB of raid array storage that indexes all media possible, has every retail game sold for multiple consoles, has taken 10k RAW photos, has multiple daily and weekly backups to different VPS storages, hosts a public website, has >gigabit internet, and is seeding 500 torrents at a given time.

    I would venture to guess that option 1 is the vast majority of cases in selfhosting, and 10Gb networking is much more expensive for limited benefit for them.

    Now on a data hoarding community, option 2 would be a reasonable assumption and could benefit greatly from 10Gb.

    Also 10Gb is great for companies, which are less likely to be posting on a self hosted community.

  • Do you have the Intel drivers installed on your machine? Are GuC and HuC working?

    sudo reboot
    sudo dmesg | grep i915
    sudo cat /sys/kernel/debug/dri/0/gt/uc/guc_info
    sudo cat /sys/kernel/debug/dri/0/gt/uc/huc_info

    On Debian I had to manually download the i915 full driver Zip, extract it, take out the Intel drivers, and put it in /usr/lib/firmware

    Then hardware acceleration worked on my Arc380.

    If you use QSV, your CPU iGPU will be the one that can use it, so make sure to set your render device in docker to the iGPU and not the RTX 2060

  • That is a completely separate issue from the above commenter.

    You absolutely cannot get 2FA authenticator codes from 90% of services

    A shockingly large amount of companies demand phone numbers and send verification texts before allowing you to do business with them, to create an account, to recover an account, to delete an account, to place an order, etc.

    They really shouldn’t, it’s a bad security practice but companies love it because with a phone number they can lower support costs by just allowing people to do a self-service where they get an automated text and can unlock their locked account.

    Also an issue, but indeed a separate issue from using unsecure SMS as TOTP.

  • I mean China definitely does it.

    Tibeten “re-education” anyone? They stole the playbook for Tibet right from america dealing with native Americans, but with a little less outright killing. Uyghurs is less language genocide and more actual genocide and concentration/slave camps.

    America did it and does it with native americans. Americans did it with literally every single group that came into the country with their whole “English isn’t our official language but you better speak English or be ostracized” through its history.

    Literally every nation has tried at one point.

    I am pretty sure language erasure is not “a form of genocide”, but “a component of recognizing genocide” or something that states thag commit genocide commonly do. I have looked at a bunch of definitions and genocide definition seems to always involve actually killing people:

    any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

    (a) Killing members of the group;
    (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
    (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
    (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
    (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.[3]

    My point was that every nation does it simply because of nationalism and ease of administration. Governments already run bad enough without having to keep 25 running translations of every document.

  • Lol, you literally quoted me, didn’t actually read what you quoted, and then did something completely different.

    Do you know that battery life ≠ battery capacity? That is not the same measurement as I have already tried to teach you 3 times.

    Please state the calculation that you would use to “determine how often you have to recharge” that is valid for Wh and not for Ah.

    What is its idle power draw? What is its power draw under load? Playing video? Sleep mode? That source gives nothing which determines battery life. All it gives is a nearly useless capacity number, just like all other manufacturers. So not valid at all. You still have exactly 0 more information about battery life.

    If I am wrong, please state your calculations of what the battery life is with that 54Wh battery.

    Your entire argument was “Ah is useless and Wh gives consumers the information to determine battery life” So go ahead, determine the battery life.

    How is this any different at all if they said that it is a 5.8Ah battery? They don’t give any current or power draw.

    As an exercise:

    can you tell me the battery life difference between an arbitrary Laptop A with a 54Wh battery and Laptop B with a 27Wh battery?

  • Please explain to me what the difference is between battery life if you have a 5000mAh battery and an 18Wh battery.

    Please state the calculation that you would use to “determine how often you have to recharge” that is valid for Wh and not for Ah. I am all for it. If you can cite a single source where the manufacturer gives a specification that would give battery life in Wh, and not in Ah, I will concede the entire argument and say that you were right the whole time in every comment make a note that you were right. Please show your calculation work.

    The thing is, it does not matter how much charge the battery holds, it does matter how much energy it holds. Without knowing the Voltage the Ah is useless.

    This is patently, objectively misinformation and completely false. That is a direct quote of your words, today. That was your last comment. I have already laid out multiple examples of how Ah is a useful measurement and what you can do with it. Therefore, it is misinformation. It is not disinformation, but stating untrue things as fact is misinformation, even if you have no idea you are wrong.

  • Sorry, but you are simply wrong. Simple math says that you are wrong.

    You can buck or boost convert nearly any voltage to any other voltage.

    Then measure the current output of the battery, boom you have battery life.

    Also electrical charge can be used in many, many very valuable calculations without involving voltage at all.

    Let’s take an arbitrary example with an arbitrary battery powered device. Let’s say the battery is somewhere between 1V and 10000000V. You can’t measure it because you might blow up your multimeter.

    You know that the battery is 5000mAh. You can safely measure that all of the circuitry is draining 1000mA because sense resistors or contactless magnetic current measurements don’t have anywhere near dangerous voltages. You know that the battery will last about 5 hours. What is the voltage? Doesn’t matter.

    Yes, charge and the flow of charge is not the entire story, but to say it is useless or does not matter is just a straight lie. It is fine if you don’t understand electronics, but then don’t spit out misinformation.

    Yes Watt-hours would give a more complete picture to slightly tech-inclined consumers (makes 0 difference for 99% of consumers), but then it returns to not mattering because you can do the 5s calculation yourself because single cell lithium batteries are overwhelmingly 1 nominal voltage.

    Literally 90% of calculations related to efficiency are JUST as valid using mA as W.

    Your device uses 12mA at idle with a 5000mAh battery has the same relevance as your 18.5Wh battery using 45mW at idle.