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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 11th, 2023


  • That doesn’t really work either, see pre release coverage for Deliverance: Kingdom Come and aside from a few articles during early crowdfunding about how they were naughty bad people for not having black people in a game set in a few square kilometers of 15th century Bohemia and having a “female character DLC” (the game has a fixed protagonist and the DLC lets you play from the perspective of another character, framed as her telling the MC about how she managed to escape the attack on their village). After the articles about them being racist and sexist for that, there was basically radio silence until it launched and was too big a deal to ignore.

  • Except they didn’t really pick a side - they got attacked and responded in a way that was bad for PR but honestly kinda predictable. It all got sparked off by them getting a bad review that was mostly positive but penalized the Chinese game heavily inspired by a piece of classic Chinese literature (Journey to the West) for not being diverse enough (aka not featuring many women and no black people), 6/10. What they did since (the rules for streamers seeking a key) has been a (badly chosen) reaction to that.

    Unless having a game heavily inspired by a piece of classical literature that doesn’t express the racial and gender diversity of modern LA is itself choosing a side?

  • Only after they’re done conscripting all males 18-26, using the existing system that’s been in place for decades.

    You know, the one that’s really unpopular to invoke, the one that’s a quarter million dollar fine to not sign up for but enforcing that was so unpopular that they merely made proving you’ve signed up a requirement for things like going to college or getting some jobs if male, the one they recently made signing up all males of appropriate age for automatic?

  • We literally have child marriage in some states.

    If you define “child marriage” as there being any scenario where someone under 18 might be married, then it’s most states. Only 13 states actually ban child marriage under that definition.

    The rest generally require you to be 18, but have exceptions with approval by the parents and/or a court (depending on the state). Four states have no hard minimum at all, one has a hard minimum of 15, most have a hard minimum of 16.

  • Didn’t say that, my involvement in all this started with the question of what another poster meant by “vanilla women”.

    Personally I think the question of where to draw the lines is going to be particular to the sport, since the whole point of women’s leagues in the first place is protectionism for women athletes who would otherwise just be dominated in many sports by male athletes out of a sense of fairness and no one was even thinking about trans or intersex athletes at the time.

    So how intersex is too “masculine” to be a “fair” competition is going to depend on the sport, as is what guidelines are required for trans women to be “fair” competition against the protected class of cis women.