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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Is the concern how you’re perceived socially or how you perceive yourself?

    What would it take for you to be “trans enough”? Shaving? Clothes? Hormones? Surgery? Gene therapy?

    Would you be this gatekeep-y to a random stranger? If not, why gatekeep yourself?

    Is it fear of rejection? Of not being accepted for presenting as your authentic self?

    Does the label not communicate what you want to express, or does the label have connotations that don’t align with your sense of self? Are those connotations commonly held, or are they negative stereotypes that you’re unconsciously distancing yourself from?

    Do you need a positive label to communicate who you are, or does a negative label suffice (IE. “trans” vs. “not cis”)? Are labels a useful tool for you to describe yourself to others, or do you feel the need to conform to the label?

  • Except that’s not even how most bus systems work because most of them are majority funded by taxes with fares originally meant to serve as a stopgap but then slowly converted into a profit engine (usually after privitization). Fares are a way to gatekeep a service which your taxes already pay for, which I would argue, is by itself a form of theft.

    As an example check out the latest MTA report only 26% of funding comes from fares, and that ones a bit in the higher end from what I’ve seen (NYC public transit, picked as the example a it’s recently been in the news for issues with fare evasion)

    All that aside, it’s also worth noting that fare increases are extremely unpopular and it’s not that easy to increase them without potential serious backlash (ie the mass protests in Chile a few years back that were in part set off by the fare hikes.)

  • From an article about a recent lawsuit

    The App Store appeared to harvest information about every single thing you did in real time, including what you tapped on, which apps you search for, what ads you saw, and how long you looked at a given app and how you found it. The app sent details about you and your device as well, including ID numbers, what kind of phone you’re using, your screen resolution, your keyboard languages, how you’re connected to the internet—notably, the kind of information commonly used for device fingerprinting.

    Notably, knowing keyboard language and monitoring tap locations allows for reconstruction of text the user types (as detailed in this article

    I do think you are correct that Apple probably isn’t actively keylogging every iOS device (just because there’s easier ways with less legal concerns that ultimately get the same outcomes), but it’s not like there’s “no evidence”.

  • No they don’t… You do and the media is engaged in a terrifying amount of manufactured consent, but the raw data from those same polls does not agree with that claim.

    Ignoring the sampling methods used, lack of transparency on filters and other methodology, clearly biased questions, etc. The latest CBS news poll on the topic lists:

    • 52% believe less weapons and supplies should be sent to Israel.

    • 76% believe more humanitarian aid should be sent to Israel.

    • 57% believe more humanitarian aid should be sent to Gaza.

    • 56% disapprove of how the situation with Russia and Ukraine is being handled. (Though there isn’t much of a breakdown on the “how is it being mishandled…”)

    A few things that should be explicitly pointed out as this is a bad poll, but it would appear the inherit bias is trying to agree with you, so the margin of error means the “true feelings of Americans” is even further in contradiction to your statement.

    • Note how Isreal is kept consistent without a single reference to Netanyahu/Israeli government compared to the constant switching back and forth between “Hamas” and “Palestinian people”

    • poll is 63% white, 62% of that group has “no degree”, 33% aged between 45-64 (amongst 4 categories).

    So even when polling predominantly uneducated* white baby boomers who are the exact demographic that agrees the most with you, and doing the typical statistical magic the numbers still cannot be finagled in such a way as to make your statement true.

    • it should be said that “uneducated” doesn’t necessarily mean ‘uninformed, stupid, etc.’ However, in this context it means they are deliberately polling non-experts who’s primary source of information is CBS/Paramount itself (or other closely related corporations) in order to manufacture consent.