Fushuan [he/him]


  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I’ve beaten the original and the rerelease several times. it’s pretty generic but the combat animations are cool enough to give it a go when I’m bored. I usually play it on the hardest difficulty but the bow charged spread attack works like a shotgun so it’s very easy to stunlock enemies.

    It’s one of those games where you can overpower enemies quite easily if you prepare, I would not play it on easy though, if the story is bland and the combat is braindead, what’s the point of the game?

  • Because it was the west that decided to invade in 2014, it was the west that made Ukraine feel so fucking vulnerable for 8 years that they decided to turn into NATO, and then it was the west again who sent tanks into Kiev. Yeah.

    I’m not blind to not see that this benefits the US, but honestly, it looks like an opportunity for the west, not something they provoked. If Russia didn’t want the west to benefit so much from it maybe they shouldn’t have had invaded in 2014 because the people of a separate sovereign country revolted against the Russian puppet President.

  • Yeah elden ring SotA, I finished all the bosses and all the content but 1 optional boss on saturday, and the last boss yesterday. Good dlc but the balancing is kinda whacky and is has the typical complainers about difficulty, the typical defenders that have not finished the dlc, and then people that have done all bosses that know that the last boss is the most overtuned piece of shit to be ever crafted in ER. The other optional hard boss (bottom right) is also kinda stupid but it’s optional and it does give you SOME breathing room, but the last one is just completely un enjoyable.