• inb4_FoundTheVegan@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      As I’ve said so many times, it’s not a joke if you are literally asking. If you are in a boat and tell your GF that she shouldn’t say no to you because of the implication, then that’s not a joke. And if you come to a thread about banned deep fake sites and ask for the link it’s not a joke.Even Dennis himself hides behind this logic that “obviously she is in no danger”, but that ignores the real threats women have to live with every day. Women don’t get to assume that every implication rape threat is a joke because the risk is too great, it always going to be real to the subject without power.

      You already admitted in a different comment that some of the people here were looking for a link. So why exactly are you so upset at me? Is your right to assume it’d always a joke out ranked by my concern at yet another way for women to be sexually harassed? Before it was simply any woman who posted nudes online had to know it would be online forever. But now any woman who has ever posted, or hell even went outside where a camera was now runs the risk of her nudes being posted?

      But I guess you feeling hurt over “jokes” is the real problem?!? Like seriously, let it tf go. The lame jokes don’t need to be defended and I’m not the jolly joy villian you are making me out to be.