• Lost_My_Mind@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    What about me? I don’t support Democrats or Republicans. Every time I vote, I vote for “Big Giant Astroid inbound for earth to end us all”.

    If not that, then maybe Spiderman. To me Superman is too goody goody, and would get decimated on the world stage when sacrifices must be made. Batman seems like he only rescues the rich, and therefore might be ecconomically problematic. But Spiderman, he’s always doing the right thing, despite heavy media criticism from media outlets trying to paint him as the bad guy. He knows all about sacrifice too. He jumps off of buildings to save people. I mean, yes, there was that weird time he put on a black costume for a bit, and argueably did some evil things…but he’s past that. Besides. He’s not the only New Yorker who’s had black goo dripping down his face.