Biden defeated Trump by nearly 8m votes in 2020, a substantial if not overwhelming margin of victory. Matters were very different in the electoral college. A combined total of 44,000 votes handed Biden victory in the swing states of Arizona, Wisconsin and Georgia.

Had Trump succeeded in “finding” 45,000 more votes in these three states, the 2020 election would have resulted in an electoral college tie, an unseemly result that, by the terms of the constitution, hands the task of electing the president to the House of Representatives. In a travesty of democratic rule, when the House elects the president, each state delegation, and not each representative, gets a single vote, and while Democrats still controlled the House after the 2020 election, Republicans actually enjoyed a majority of state delegations. Trump would have won.

While it is hard to imagine Trump defeating Biden in the popular vote in 2024, the electoral college remains another matter. Polls already predict another tight electoral race. Maga zealots and election deniers continue to target and attack independent election officials in the key swing states. Add to the mix the possibility of a third-party candidate, who, like Ralph Nader in 2000, would have no prospect of winning but could peel away votes in these crucial states, and the perils magnify.

Generations of Americans have recognized the defects in the way we elect our president. The first serious effort to eliminate the system came in 1816 and hundreds have followed, all failing given the extreme difficulty of amending our constitution. It is a grotesque fact that a candidate who has made clear his hostility to democratic governance could only be returned to office through an antiquated, dysfunctional and anti-democratic electoral system.

  • Hot
    11 months ago

    Debating these minute differences sounds like Manufacturing Consent to me.

    Obama is far from a saint, and every US President has the same blood of Empire on their hands.

    But this is rich from a guy who bailed after it was pointed out that Trump literally has no platform, only offers racism, sexism, xenophobia, hate and authoritarianism, and that maybe we shouldn’t be trying to court the opinions of people who support those things.

    I’m sure all the people in Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana will surely be lining up to vote for whatever out of touch liberal you are supporting instead of the person who actually engages with them.*

    In this hypothetical, Trump was the person who actually engaged with them, and he won in 2016 because of that outreach.

    I’m sure that buffoon really engaged them with his fucking unhinged rants and making fun of disabled people. His voters have been very honest about who they are, and it’s not our fault you’re not listening and instead arguing we should be engaging with authoritarians.

    Sounds like Manufacturing Consent to me, from someone happy to debate the minute differences when it suits them.

        • Hot
          11 months ago

          Yeah I guess this guy forgot that Mr. Trump notoriously had a lot of white collar white people voting for him, and that his “base” absolutely isn’t just the rural working class.

          I guess the working class in cities don’t exist or something. /s