Since Ive offered him pretty much everything (under reasonable prices) like all kinds of games, ball games, skate etc, he also has a bike so I’m totally out of ideas
last gift was a cheap xiaomi sports bracelet which he loved, but now I don’t know how to up it…
A pair of socks? He only shows much love for me near the seasons 😂 so I told him santa was watching (of course he doesn’t believe in santa anymore). I might prank him but I need a backup gift, so… title
A GoPro and brackets to mount it to stuff so he can film himself
Great idea but over budget. Don’t want to open a precedent 😅
Any thought on giving just an action camera which is not specifically gopro? I think you’ll find plenty in 30€
Yup, second this. GoPro is the Gucci brand, but you can get stuff that does 90 to 100% of what they do for considerably less. You’ll need to do a bit of research in sports communities to find out which ones are good, they will have opinions. Also FPV quad hobbyists will know a lot about them, especially which ones are light and tough.
I’ll look into that, thanks
You could split the cost with other family members to make it a little more reasonable
Mother. Fuckin. Rollerblades.
He’s into skate now, but yeah, that crossed my mind, except to give him something decent would go over budget. Trying to keep it 30€ tops But thanks 🙏
Does he have a skateboard? If so, maybe some cool wheels or bearings? Figure out what kinda wheels he uses first though. There are different types that are good for different situations.
Edit: I’m not super into skateboarding, but if I’m not mistaken, Bones bearings are generally seen as some of the best you can get.
Gave him a skateboard a couple of years ago. He’s still trying to do the basic moves but he loves it. Doesn’t need new wheels yet 😅
His wheels may be fine but if he’s really into it aome good bearings will make a huge difference. I’m in favour of a cheap action camera however. I’m sure you could get something good enough for a kid at that price point.
Shit. Hmmm… Does he have a decent water bottle? Maybe something like a hyroflask would be good. Plus it’d be multi-use. Another possibility might be a skate bag to put his stuff in if he doesn’t already have one.
Protip on this one, if you have a youth soccer club nearby, just head to the lost and found to find hundreds of pounds of premium water bottles. No one will claim them, just take them. Please. The landfills don’t need any more garbage.
That’s not a bad idea, I’ll have to keep that in mind myself.
At 10 he’s alllllmost at that age where anything a grown-up relative buys for him is gonna be cringe and not the right brand/style/whatever. You can’t go wrong with a voucher so he can get exactly what he wants. Maybe a voucher for a skate shop? You could even take him there and help him get something so it’s still an uncle/aunt purchase.
naaw rollerblades are too easy. get him some quads. chicks dig the quads
Well he’s still in the phase that girls are gross, but soon when the hormones kick in that may be a great idea. Saving it for next xmas or two
I just want to say you are the greatest. In reddit this question would be ignored, but here I have my hands full just keeping up with replying. I have to sleep now as I have to wake early tomorrow but wow, you’re the best 😘
Get him an experience. Take him to an X-games style event, or indoor surfing, or Jr paintball, etc. There may be some tracks that will rent karts that young, but spectating is fun, too.
This is the way to go. Seeing an actual professional do this shit is an experience like no other.
At-home laser tag game? When we were kids my brother had one - 2 battery powered chest plates you wore and 2 guns. We’d turn the lights off in the basement and play.
A bit too expensive for a nice one like this
But surely it would earn me a lot of “cool uncle” points
That seems fun, I must check it out, thanks
Do you have any rock climbing gyms near you? Could get a punch card to one.
I’ve thought about building a climbing wall at my parents house, they have the space, but maybe for a future project. I would like one myself 😅
Time to justify it by giving your nephew a punch card to YOUR climbing wall!
Hmm, sounds like an experience gift would go over well! I’m in the US but some cool stuff you could try giving him gift cards or tickets to?
- Waverider, which is sort of like surfing but you don’t have to go to the beach
- Renting an ATV for few hours to drive out on a trail
- One of those BMX tracks for bikes instead of motorcycles
- Indoor skydiving Sorry if none of these are under budget, I haven’t done any of these in forever so couldn’t tell you what the price is.
jump boxes
Gonna have to google that. Anything like a trampoline? Cause he has that already, the cheap small variety
Something like this. Not springy but rigid. They sometimes come in a set of increasing heights so you can train your jumping height/endurance/speed/etc. A great thing to have if he’s at all interested in track and field, basketball, skateboarding, parkour, or really any sport that involves jumping.
I used to have a blast working on my jumping when I was in high school. It’s a crazy good workout and feels good to progress in I think.
I know you can get them at Walmarts and Dick’s if those exist where you are but they’re sold many places I’m sure.
He already has one 🤷♂️
damn that boy is stocked up on equipment. maybe tickets to a sports game for the two of you if he’s into that?
Tickets/Voucher for a rock climbing centre could be up his alley.
If you want something that will last you could get him a powder bag, or his first Carabiner as well.
Be prepared that the climbing place might not let him use the Carabiner in conjunction with their equipment though, so it might sit around until he got his own harness if he ever went that far. Powder bag would be all good.
Rocket Power season 1 DVDs
He probably doesn’t have any idea what a dvd is 😂 but good idea on the series, thanks
Potatoe Cannon (less than 30$, can assist him in print out together so he knows how to fix it!) or pogo stick? (Both equally unsafe imo)
Now that’s thinking outside the box. Not sure the parents would approve and sounds expensive. But another one for my box of ideas, thanks
What’s your budget? I’ve been looking into ropes course kinds of things for my kids, basically slack lines that you can add stuff to. I think if you search for ninja line you’ll get hits.
30€ around that for budget. Definitely gonna search ninja lines, thanks for the hint.
a slingshot
We made a slingshot from scratch using the old ways when he was like 5. But yes, a good idea, although parents might not agree. But I’m the cool crazy uncle :)
The Snack! bike bags are really fun
There are lots of options for cool lights for a bike, like colored LEDs.
A good bike tool like the Topeak Ratchet Rocket.
Those bags seem cool, he goes to many races (he’s been on triathlon for about two years). But he might enjoy it and isn’t too expensive. And kids love that stuff, thanks for the idea