• BrooklynMan@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    Never argue with an idiot. They’ll drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.

    Anti-vaxxers are already too stupid or too mentally ill to be swayed by things like facts or evidence. Engaging them would not only be a waste of time, it would paint a target on this scientist’s back for ever kook and nutter whose delusion is threatened by them. And the last thing that any expert should do is give these nutbags any legitimacy by engaging with them.

    • piece@feddit.it
      1 year ago

      If I were him I would accept, but no public broadcasting whatsoever.

      Maybe I’m a bit too idealistic, but I don’t think ignoring them is the best thing to do. We should talk, and talk, and talk, responding to the same stupid arguments over and over and over again, just not turning it into fucking entertainment like everything is nowadays.

      It’s surprising how reasonable most people are once you talk to them outside of social media.

      • BrooklynMan@lemmy.ml
        1 year ago

        Giving them any attention whatsoever, even in private, legitimizes them— even in their own minds. This is why they do whatever they can to provoke you into giving them attention in the first place. The minute you give them any attention, you give them power, and that’s what they truly crave the most. Because they are weak, and that’s why they cling to these delusional beliefs in the first place; they’re desperately grasping for control over their own lives in a world where they have no control, and that terrifies them. As a result, that manifests in an absolute need to control everything and everyone around them.