Do you still have faith in the political process of your country? Ross Perot had a good thing going in the '90s, is it time to bring it back? Vote blue no matter who, but this time harder? Join the Republicans? Abandon hope? Something else?

Watching what’s happening in your country is concerning, I hope the opposition party has a plan but so far I have not seen one. Hence the question.

    2 months ago

    The old guard has to die off or step aside first. Younger progressives are the only way forward. The platform has to be change and improvement. Whatever they’ve been doing the last decade hasn’t been right.

      2 months ago

      Whatever they’ve been doing the last decade hasn’t been right.

      That depends on which side of the wealth gap you’re on, right?

      The old guard has to die off or step aside first.

      I don’t think “dieing off” or “stepping aside” is going to be the catalyst for change.

      What will happen is that the old guards will groom the next generation in the playbook’s they’ve been (successfully) using and refining for the last decade. Those groomed players will then be their successors.

      The only way we’ll get the “change and improvement” is if we (as a society) say “this is enough, you’ve gone too far”. However, given the levels of apathy and the recent election outcome, I’d say the American People will need to suffer more, before they’re shaken out of their apathetic stupor.