Do you still have faith in the political process of your country? Ross Perot had a good thing going in the '90s, is it time to bring it back? Vote blue no matter who, but this time harder? Join the Republicans? Abandon hope? Something else?

Watching what’s happening in your country is concerning, I hope the opposition party has a plan but so far I have not seen one. Hence the question.

    2 months ago

    I have family very seriously investigating citizenship to another country via ancestry.

    Not like the past election cycles where the losing side bellyaches about moving to Canada or whatever, they’re actually gathering birth certificates and planning a visit to the embassy

    Naturally I should qualify for it too but that feels like a very nuclear action

    • Carighan
      2 months ago

      I have family very seriously investigating citizenship to another country via ancestry.

      This is what I’d actually advise most people who realistically are in a position where they can move: Get out. Don’t try to right the listing ship, you got more pressing personal issues (I bet). Just move, there are better places than the US, and that’s not even difficult to achieve. For all their individual flaws and their own right-wing parties and their rise and all, most non-US western countries at least have a higher standard of living and actual public service such as universal healthcare and shit.