Printables won. I will upload my files and link them here. I shouldn’t create another post since nobody likes spam. (sigh… What am I doing with my life?)

I’ll leave the original body here. Thanks for your help. /– Hello.

I have a handfull of 3D parts designed when I was in high school. These range from a custom computer anchor K-Lock (Shown here) to a plant monitor.

Unfortunetly, I graduated and don’t have a 3D printer anymore, as I use and test on my old school’s printer.

Fortunetly, I still have all of my work and I want to share it in a way that anyone can use, under a CC-BY-SA license.

What is a good way to share my work? Github, Drive, Gitlab, here?

I still like 3D printing, so I plan on getting one soon (albeit, it will take years…).


    10 months ago

    Since you’re using FreeCAD I’ll assume you’re interested in Free Software. If so, Liberapay and OpenCollective could be alright alternatives to Patreon. They take a lower platform cut of your donations, but they don’t offer ‘tiers’ and automatic awards for donors.