The “good old days” are a trick of the mind.

    1 年前

    There are quite clear massive deaths happening to the ocean and it’s coral, for one. Global warming, warned about for decades, sure seems to have pushed over the tipping point recently. Wealth inequality, and the failure to maintain a livable minimum wage, world population fucking doubling in my lifetime, and <so on and so on>. Things are pretty shitty, and there is zero chance that the collective human spirit (or whatever) will do anything in time to stop what is going to be wide spread suffering. The people at the top, they like the way things are, fuck the rest of the world.

    The good: well, people are generally safer (depending on where you live). People in general are still mostly nice. <- That is something that just about anyone who has traveled will attest to. Even in shitty countries, for the most part the people are pretty welcoming and nice. Traveling tends to give people a renewed appreciation of humanity.

    But the article was about morality and if it’s become worse or better. I don’t think fundamental human nature changes much over the course of 2-3 generations.