I’m getting increasingly frustrated trying to get my printer calibrated. I’ve done a bed calibration using screws_tilt_calculate, and that’s all nice and good. Got a bed mesh variance of 0.19mm which seems great.

Now for the z-offset, it won’t let me get the nozzle low enough. No matter how low I set the Z minimum, it won’t let me get closer than about 0.5mm to the bed. I’ve tried setting the position_min in [stepper_z] anywhere from 0 to -9 and I get the same result every time.

If I raise the bed, the probe adjust its height accordingly, so the result is the same.

What can I do to fix this?

  • PixeIOrange@feddit.de
    1 year ago

    Try PROBE_CALIBRATE in the Console. Use a piece of paper, it should fit between nozzle and bed, you should be able to move it with slight resistance. Save it with SAVE_CONFIG.

  • FuglyDuck@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Not sure if it’s available on klipper, but try sending this:

    M211 s0

    This is the marlin gcode for turning off the software endstops which prevent you from going negative. (You turn it back on with S1 for normal printing.)

    To calibrate z offset, set it to zero, home z, then move the nozzle to where you probed, read the nozzles position (mine is about -2.5) and set that as your offset.

    You can check status of the software endstops by sending just m211… if it’s in klipper it should return something.

    If it’s not in klipper there should be something similar.