Summary: A recent UK government inquiry into the challenges faced by the film and high-end television industry has recently received submissions from major Hollywood studios advocating for KYC (know your customer) rules for hosting providers, similar to banking regulations to identify money laundering. If adopted, this would help them to identify people hosting pirated content.

The submissions are united in identifying the same solution to this problem: the UK must implement a ‘Know Your Business Customer’ regime to compel commercial entities (including online intermediaries) to establish the true identity of their business customers as a precondition for selling, and receiving payment for, digital services.

    10 months ago

    Copyright today is shit tho. It’d be more logical to talk about how much it costs the public to maintain a fundamentally broken system to keep a few companies with a dysfunctional business model on life support.

    Rights holders take people and organisations to court for a lot of shit that should be thrown straight out of court. But no no, the people who protect and protected the interests of organisations that benefit from copyright laws wrote the copyright laws. If they couldn’t pass their extremist copyright laws locally, they’d try again nationally, then internationally, until their contradictory and ass-backwards copyright laws got passed. Other countries copied these laws.

    • Copyright laws implicit registration robs the public domain of works made by unidentifiable authors.
    • Copyright laws force the digital world to play by impossible rules.
    • Copyright laws forbid DRM circumvention, but that contradicts with existing copyright rights.
    • Copyright laws forbid digitization of analog media if the judge considers this untransformative or unfair use.
    • Copyright laws may allow snippet taxes for daring to use an excerpt of a news article without paying an arm and a leg.
    • Copyright laws may forbid fair use, banning reviews, etc.
    • Copyright laws force libraries to buy e-books under unfair conditions due to DRM and the digitization edge case.

    … the list goes on. Copyright laws in their current form should be thrown in the trash and burned alive while we can. The EU Copyright Directive is so fundamentally broken that member states postpone enacting the directive into national laws, years after the set deadline. Member states copy and paste the directive, unwilling to spend the effort to revise existing laws to conform to the over-reaching copyright directive.