With the rapid growth of my self hosted services with a wife and others that use them and my interest in building out my personal experience, I could use some advice on the path of building my own, even if simplistic, CI/CD pipline to keep everything orginized and minimize downtime/broken fetures in production. If anyone has any advice in this area with what to look for and what to avoid, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
To help you with this, you need to tell us what your environment looks like. A CI/CD pipeline for a VM based infrastructure looks VERY different than a fully GitOpsed k8s platform, which looks different than a pipeline for regular Docker containers, which looks different than if you have some cloud infrastructure, etc etc.
It’s VM/LXC based (Proxmox). Though, most, if not all, of my front facing services are in a Docker VM. whereas my backend servers are run in LXC containers.