My in-laws are visiting for a week at the end of next month and they like to visit until late in the evening. However, I typically go to bed at 7 PM because I have to get up at 4 AM to train for my sport before work. I’ll have just finished a competition and will be beginning training for another one when they’re here.

What’s the best way to set boundaries with them without coming across as an asshole? My wife will probably want to stay out later while they’re here, so I’ll have to figure out a way to compromise.

To make it more interesting, what are some things your in-laws do that annoy you when they visit?

    1 year ago

    I have to be up early so I’ll have to duck out around 6, but I can head back on my own so [wife’s name] can stay out later.

    Obviously clear it with [wife’s name], in case she wants to use you going to bed early as an excuse for getting some alone time.