So far for me the process is very convoluted:

  1. I go to and find the community.
  2. Then I need to copy it’s name.
  3. Then I need to go to my particular instance (
  4. Then I type manually in my browser address bar<communityname>
  5. Then I go back to and copy the address of the original instance of the community.
  6. Then I go back and add the original instance address to already typed thing in step 4 like this<communityname>@<originalinstanceofcommunity>
  7. Then I can finally subscribe!

Oh my God! Please, tell me there’s a better way of doing this!

EDIT: There is a better way! Solution is to … use the search function in your instances home page and select community (if it exists already) and search. This way I don’t need to go to anymore. And links will take me straight the the communities “reflection” in my own instance, where I can subscribe.

    1 year ago

    It’s easier to just type/paste in the address of the community on the search page of your instance in the !name@instan.ce format.

    You can then click the result and just hit subscribe.

    Would be nice if Jerboa and the web UI just translated links in that format so that theyd just open from your instance and let you sub instantly.

    ATM they just open in the browser and display from the hosting instance, preventing an easy sub.