Basically title. Me personally a friend had one and I figured it’d be fun. I got a £4 black forest (or something) from AliExpress and it’s been utterly fantastic.

    1 year ago

    I learned to write with a pen (Hero, lots of bad memories), but my Dad was into pens and a big fan of Waterman. He bought me a Waterman pen when I was in high school, then I got another Waterman (Audace) when I was at uni. For many years they’ve been sitting unused, the first one in my parents’ home, the other one somewhere in my desk drawer.

    This year my daughter turned 10 and I noticed that she wrote with a pencil. I bought her a Lamy Safari. While looking for a pen for her I suddenly discovered, after all these years, that there were thousands of ink colours out there! I had no idea! I’d always had Parker Quink Blue/Black and that was it :-D