Here’s my story.

Sometime in April a guy who was a friend of a friend started touching me, yes I know I should have not let this happen but I found him kinda hot so I let him touch me. Started questioning when I got home. I then developed a slight crush on him but got over it after a few weeks. At this point I figured out that I might be bi. I’m currently questioning what label of bi I fall under. I might be omni or just plain old bi

I should have handled the situation differently but it caused me to learn about myself.

    1 year ago

    I’m Finnish and in my 40’s, AMAB. Grew up in a bit of a rough neighborhood (at least by local standards 😅) that had the classic combo of poverty and substance abuse, so attitudes were pretty conservative in addition to it being – you know – the 80’s and in Finland, which is still fairly conservative compared to our neighbors. As a kid I liked dresses and having painted nails – although that could only really happen when we were spending our summers with specific family friends – and I never really fit in with boys.

    Getting that sort of a reputation of course meant that I regularly got the shit kicked out of me for being “gay”, which is pretty much the only label we had at that point for anything out of the normal cishet box (and I’m pansexual if anything). Growing up in a really toxically masculine environment meant that I internalized this idea that I’m some sort of a failure of a man, and it took me up until my 30’s to start to think that hey maybe I’m not the problem here. I think it was last year that I finally realized that I’m nonbinary.

    So it’s been a bit of a process. I really don’t know what my labels are, I just know I’m definitely not cis and I’m attracted to “feminine” people of all kinds, and I’m not all that much into sex but not straight-up asexual either.

        • Bicyclejohn@lemmy.mlOP
          1 year ago

          I wish I had the balls to come out to family. Hate being closeted but I’m not sure if coming out is safe. Family is kinda open minded but super religious

            1 year ago

            Yikes, that does sound like a conundrum. I haven’t come out to my parents either, they’re in their 80’s and I’ve figured I’m getting off easier by not telling them and basically haven’t bothered. But I get why someone would want to have their family know, too.