The author argues that the recent Congressional hearing on UFOs featured credible testimony from military witnesses that UFOs exist and the government has covered up information about them for decades. The author, a retired Navy admiral, vouches for the integrity of the witnesses. He believes society should demand that the government disclose what it knows about UFOs. This could lead to scientific advances that transform our understanding of physics and the universe. Studying UFOs could also improve international security and cooperation. The author contends that failing to study UFOs would be arrogant given how little we understand about the universe.

    11 months ago

    The witnesses were former officers in the U.S. military with stellar service records. Their message to Congress was that we are not alone, we possess technology unlike anything available in the public or private sectors, and the U.S. government has covered up this earth-shattering information for decades.

    I feel like this is just a “boy who cried wolf” scenario. UAP/UFO people have been saying these exact three things for decades now. Doesn’t matter if it’s in a documentary or in front of congress. It’s the same shit with zero evidence beyond “but they served our country!!111!”

    Even if they do end up being right, at the moment it’s really hard for me to be convinced because they aren’t actually saying anything new. UFO crash with “non human biologics”? Honey, let me introduce you to a good friend of mine called “Roswell”