I’ve been using konsole (and iterm2 on my work mac) for most of my working career, but on the linux side, I’ve recently switched to Kitty, but now I’m wondering if I can finally get used to just using emacs on both.
Does anyone use emacs as their main terminal? Is there one better than ansi-term that supports modern features like libsixel?
I still can’t quite get used to the keybindings (like C-c twice for ^C) and some other weirdness.
This is a problem that I face too. I have not yet figured out how to smoothly move over my terminal workflows to vterm (running ZSH in vi mode).
I even made a post here asking for suggestions but I have not found a graceful solution to it yet.
@AusatKeyboardPremi @kelvie If you use doom-Emacs, you just hit C-z to go to Emacs-state and hit it back again to go back to Evil-mode after working in a mode you think Emacs-state is more productive…