I don’t think we will find out.
I don’t think we will find out.
I saw the immediate aftermath. Someone jumped off the 8th floor in an interior atrium after setting off the building fire alarm. I happened to look that way while evacuating and it took a moment to process what I was seeing.
Interest rates rose above 0% for the first time in a decade and suddenly profit became more important than growth.
Edit: actually I’m wrong and it’s more complicated than that, but in essence the era of free money came to an end. Interest rates were increasing before 2020 in very gradual increments, but then went to zero, also accompanied by a lot of money being injected into the system.
So the sudden change at the end of the chart is what caused the regime change driving the trend of growth-driven companies trying to generate a profit - many not having a clue how to do it because they’ve never done it before.
I’ll see how the $50 AliExpress knock-off version works in a year or two
I’ve had my ubikey fido2 token knocking around on my keychain for about 7 years now. Scratched and beaten, works perfectly and never had a port damaged, it doesn’t put enough pressure on it.
Last time I bought them they had fixed that, but I suppose it may vary by shop.
The only theft going on is the ongoing theft from the public domain, due to corruption of copyright law by special interests enabled by law for hire. Your analogy is irrelevant as the marginal cost of operating a park for an extra visitor is not zero.
I will gladly take a position of moral superiority, because copyright has evolved from a very limited monopoly, intended to encourage creativity while balancing public access, into a licence for corporations to seek rent.
So, call it stealing if you like, I will sleep well tonight regardless.
But stealing is not owning so QED
Bankruptcy court?
If your business model needs undercover advocates to fake grassroots legitimacy you may have a problem.
If buying is not owning, copying is not stealing. Simple as that.
Finland has about 5.2GW of wind capacity vs 4.3 nuclear. If it’s a windy day the spot price will usually be low.
Fixed rates on renewal went crazy after the war started. Now it’s possible to choose low-load times for running dishwasher etc. On average the spot price is lower than available fixed rates, although some lucky people locked in long cheap contracts before February 2022. Most of those will expire this or next month at latest. It’s certainly easier to have a fixed price contract.
Virtualize fun things for projects
Reality is woke
It reminds me of the difficulty of making things bear-proof without excluding some humans
You’re right and it’s a pragmatic approach to the problem. They only need broad technical effectiveness to change user behaviour.
I’d argue that it’s not strictly cost cutting but cost transferring. The total client resources most likely exceed that which would be needed on servers.
If your security relies on software in the control of the end user you have a problem.
Look after your back and neck. Floss. Drink more water. Find out if you have family inheritable disease risk and adjust accordingly.
But also, take advantage of some of your best years, and the freedom which comes with not being tied down.