• 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 4th, 2023

  • 58008@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlMath
    14 days ago

    I was denied a mathematics education, for real. I can’t even do long division, nevermind that squiggly F shit. I thought that stuff was only for astrophysicists.

    I want to learn basic maths, but I’m in a ‘learned helplessness’ mindset where I can’t even get through basic sums and equations intended for children (I’m old as fuck now).

    I was diagnosed with autism a few years back, which kinda made no sense. I would have expected rainman powers, but numbers just don’t jive with my cunt of a brain. Maths is as inscrutable to me as people’s faces or social cues.

  • Thank you so much, those shaft collars look to be a much better design than the thing I drew (not much of a surprise to be honest!), I can stack a series of these instead of looking for one big solid one.

    I didn’t know that the cylinders were so dangerous 😬 I must have lucked out; I’ve had to use extreme brute-force methods to dislodge the old ones when it was time to replacement them, pointing the thing directly at my guts and face while I work it loose with a hammer and spanner. Sounds like I was unwittingly playing Russian roulette with my chair. The difficulty I have in pulling out the cylinder is why I wanna just go with a “static” setup, it’s way too much work and effort for something so simple. Now I can also add “don’t want my cheekbones to get lodged in the ceiling” to the list of reasons to go static.

    Thanks for the info and the warning!

  • Greatly appreciate the 2FA improvement! I can finally enable it now without locking myself out, which happened every time I tried to enable it previously.

    However, in true Fediverse fashion, they’ve made it 122.6% more complicated than it needs to be. Why contain all of the relevant information in a button pointing to a highly specific protocol? I had to manually copy and paste the button’s URL into Notepad++ and cut the parts I needed from it. Why not just give the secret or a QR code like literally every other implementation of 2FA that has ever existed? I’ve never seen such a button before on any other website when I wanted to switch on 2FA, even on Mastodon they use a QR code and/or the secret key.

    And no backup codes? 🤔

    I sound like a complainy complainer, but I’m genuinely happy/grateful I could enable 2FA. I’m just a n00b who worries about people even n00bier than I am trying to figure it out.


  • Damn, sorry you have to make such efforts, and for so little return. Maybe you can just be straight with him? Not sure how receptive you think he’d be to that. Like “I’m not trying to change your opinions, but you don’t need to bring up cancel culture and wokeness in every conversation, just like I’m not trying to convince you to start transitioning into a lass every time you bring up last night’s football game. Even if I agreed with you 100%, this shit is exhausting.” Or words to that effect.

    I’m already anticipating a possible response: “Just because I’m not a sheep like everyone else, content to live in their own little bubble while the world burns around them, doesn’t mean I have to be.” To which I would respond “well, I hope you enjoy being ‘right’ on your own as you eventually push away everyone who has your back in this life, because even the most vicious conservative doesn’t spend 24 hours of his day talking about this shit in conversations that don’t call for it. They have other hobbies and interests, and they have enough self-preservation to know when to stop pushing their beliefs on family and friends.”

    Or “yeah, I’m a sheep in a bubble, so can you show me the decency to let me do that in peace? I wanna have a relationship with you, I don’t care that you disagree with me politically, because there’s more to you than who you vote for or what cultural bullshit you’re currently obsessed with. Why can’t you see the same breadth of character in me?”

    Sorry for the wall of text, your post may have triggered a few memories from my own life… 🤣