Also, note that doesn’t increase the stripe size for old data; it’s just for future writes.
But you could copy the old data to a new location and it would take advantage of the new stripe size.
Also, note that doesn’t increase the stripe size for old data; it’s just for future writes.
But you could copy the old data to a new location and it would take advantage of the new stripe size.
It used to be that you couldn’t grow the pool, so you needed all of your drives up-front.
Now you can start with four drives and slowly grow over time to whatever your target goal is. It’s much more friendly for home labs/tight budgets.
Finally! #15022, it’s been a long time coming…
So many things!
We moved to a new house a couple of years ago and I mapped out the whole property, put it into LibreCAD, designed the space, and have been planting/building it since then. I now have thousands of plants, over 1000 unique types, and a vegetable garden in our 1/3 acre lot. I’m very proud of it, but don’t really know how to best share it with the world (or if anyone cares).
I also have a web site that I’ve been building forever, lots of little programs, things like my irrigation system built from a Raspberry Pi, my homelab, all of the plants that I start from seed in the spring for the garden (thousands under grow lights with heated mats), the hydroponic system… I’m sure there’s more.
I started a created a company in 1995 to do web stuff for a very niche market – I guess now it would be called SaaS. It never really completed or became a money-maker, but it’s out there and I still work on it.
First I had problems with IP theft – I had lots of original photos that people took. Then datasets and articles I had written were copied, so I focused on trying to stop that. Then I found myself spending too much time trying to deal with SEO, then x, then y… It was always a game of wackamole, trying to figure out how to keep ahead.
Throw in the ebb and flow of life’s challenges and it always seems like time, money, health, or some combination thereof seemed to come up at just the wrong time (is there ever a good time?)
I’m still plugging away. It’s thirty years later and I’ve retired from my 9-5, so hopefully I can make some real progress.
TechDirt is a larger, well-known site.
I’ve had similar things happen to my much less popular site and it took a long time to get it resolved (this wasn’t with Cloudflare, though).
I’m curious what the process would look like for a small startup or something.
Julian Assange, Edward Snowden…
I think it comes from America’s roots – America was founded on liberty and freedom, and to some extent, questioning authority, and I think since then it’s been somewhat cyclical with socioeconomic changes.
It’s also part of the American mythos that is perpetuated in film and music. We have superheroes like Batman, Spider-Man, Green Arrow, western heroes like Zorro and the Lone Ranger, movies like Star Wars, The Hunger Games, Bonnie & Clyde, shows like Mr. Robot…
I feel an urge to go play Horizon Zero Dawn now.
It wasn’t always followed on Reddit, but downvoting there was supposed to be for comments that don’t contribute to the conversation.
Here the guidance is looser – the docs don’t address comments, but do say to “upvote posts that you like.”
I’ve tried contributing to some conversations and sometimes present a different viewpoint in the interest of thought exchange, but this often results in massive downvotes because people disagree. I’m not going to waste my energy contributing to a community that ends up burying my posts because we have different opinions.
That’s true on Reddit to, so I’m kind of being tangential to the original question. I guess what I’m saying is that some people might feel like I do and won’t engage in any community, be it Reddit or Lemmy, if it’s just going to be an echo chamber.
I’m still using my Galaxy S8 with only one problem: Verizon’s voicemail app won’t run on something this old. Every other app is fine. It figures that the only app that encourages me to upgrade is from the phone company.
Technically, each time that it is viewed it is a republication from copyright perspective. It’s a digital copy that is redistributed; the original copy that was made doesn’t go away when someone views it. There’s not just one copy that people pass around like a library book.
Again, isn’t that the site’s prerogative?
I think there should at least be a recognized way to opt-out that actually follows. For years they told people to put
User-agent: ia_archiver
in robots.txt, but they still archived content from those sites. They refuse to publish what IP addresses they pull content down from, but that would be a trivial thing to do. They refuse to use a UserAgent that you can filter on.
If you want to be a library, be open and honest about it. There’s no need to sneak around.
Like I said, I have no problems with individuals archiving it and not republishing it.
If I take a newspaper article and republish it on my site I guarantee you I will get a takedown notice. That will be especially true if I start linking to my copy as the canonical source from places like Wikipedia.
It’s a fine line. Is a library (wasn’t there a court case about this recently…) or are they republishing?
Either way, it doesn’t matter for me any more. The pages are gone from the archive, and they won’t archive any more.
Shouldn’t that be the content creator’s prerogative? What if the content had a significant error? What if they removed the page because of a request from someone living in the EU requested it under their laws? What if the page was edited because someone accidentally made their address and phone number public in a forum post?
I’m thinking about it from the perspective of an artist or creator under existing copyright law. You can’t just take someone’s work and republish it.
It’s not allowed with books, it’s not allowed with music, and it’s not even allowed with public sculpture. If a sculpture shows up in a movie scene, they need the artist’s permission and may have to pay a licensing fee.
Why should the creation of text on the internet have lesser protections?
But copyright law is deeply rooted in damages, and if advertising revenue is lost that’s a very real example.
And I have recourse; I used it. I used current law (DMCA) to remove over 1,000,000 pages because it was my legal right to remove infringing content. If it had been legal, they wouldn’t have had to remove it.
how do you expect an archive to happen if they are not allowed to archive while it is still up.
I don’t want them publishing their archive while it’s up. If they archive but don’t republish while the site exists then there’s less damage.
I support the concept of archiving and screenshotting. I have my own linkwarden server set up and I use it all the time.
But I don’t republish anything that I archive because that dilutes the value of the original creator.
Yes, some wikipedia editors are submitting the pages to and then linking to that instead of to the actual source.
So when you go to the Wikipedia page it takes you straight to – that is their first stop.
It’s user-driven. Nothing would get archived in this case. And what if the content changes but the page remains up? What then? Fairly sure this is why Wikipedia uses archives.
That’s a good point.
Pretty sure mainstream ad blockers won’t block a custom in-house banner. And if it has no tracking, then it doesn’t matter whether it’s on Archive or not, you’re getting paid the same, no?
Some of them do block those kinds of ads – I’ve tried it out with a few. If it’s at I lose the ability to report back to the sponsor that their ad was viewed ‘n’ times (unless, ironically, if I put a tracker in). It also means that if sponsorship changes, the main drivers of traffic like Wikipedia may not see that. It makes getting new sponsors more difficult because they want something timely for seasonal ads. Imagine sponsoring a page, but Wikipedia only links to the archived one. Your ad for gardening tools isn’t reflected by one of the larger drivers of traffic until December, and nobody wants to buy gardening tools in December.
Yes, I could submit pages to as sponsorship changes if this model continues.
It was a much bigger deal when we used Google ads a decade ago, but we stopped in early 2018 because tracking was getting out of hand.
If I was submitting pages myself I’d be all for it because I could control when it happened. But there have times when I’ve edited a page and totally screwed it up, and just happened to grab it at that moment when the formatting was all weird or the wrong picture was loaded. I usually fix the page and forget about it until I see it on later.
I asked for pages like that to be removed, but was unresponsive until I used a DMCA takedown notice.
I don’t think you know what SEO is. I think you know what bad SEO is.
Anyhow, Wikipedia is always free to link somewhere else if they can find better content.
So he’s saying people wouldn’t sacrifice much if they were to leave Meta-backed services?