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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: December 31st, 2024


  • I hadn’t thought about the Kofi banner thing, and this is anecdotal though my experience, but upon seeing that mentioned my mind immediately jumped to the Steam Workshop; at least with some of the games I play, it’s very common to see some form of “Donate”.

    Setting that aside, the thought occurred to me of somehow tying something we’re all used to seeing and interacting with - usernames - into something that if one were so inclined, could interact with somehow to pull up something like a QR code to their “donate box” of choice.

    I have no idea how it’d be actually implemented, but it doesn’t seem impossible that something like that could allow for both traditional fiat payments, crypto, or even links to “Yoder’s Rent-a-goat”. I mean, I’d work for a goat as payment, so why not.

    QR codes themselves are pretty visually meaningless, and that physical step of the user having to scan it would be that “fully intentional” aspect that’d keep things from being somewhat predatory (thinking in-app payment type stuff).

    <shrug> I have no skin in this game, so just thinking out loud on this, is all.