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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • It probably isn’t. The problem with it is that it will, by its nature, ultimately collapse. But so do states that use other systems seemingly.

    In capitalism profits must always improve. You always need to produce more, leading to exploitation of resources or do the same with less resource, meaning you lay off employees.

    Ultimately resources run out, you can’t lay off any more people or the economy becomes so awful nobody has the money to pay for your services.

  • First experience was trying to dual boot Slackware and Windows ME on the family computer in 2003 after getting a magazine with the install disc on. Nuked the Windows install and got banned from the family PC for a while.

    Then I got my own laptop with Windows 98 on it at 18. I’d just found dyne:bolic which was one of the first Linux live CDs if I recall correctly and was designed to work on older hardware (this was mid 00s). That machine served me well for 2 or 3 years.

    A few years of bouncing between various distros and Windows followed. Eventually I made the full switch in about 2012 first to Ubuntu then Debian which I’ve been using for the last 5 years or so.

  • I smoked weed for nearly 20 years and never did it in public. Partly because I knew the main employer in my town drug tests their employees regularly but mainly because it doesn’t help the general public’s opinion.

    If the only people that most of the population encounter using an illegal drug are ignorant wasters then it harms legalisation efforts.

    But there are so many pathetic idiots here who have nothing going on in their lives that need to impress others by sparking a joint in public.