Mind your business.

  • 16 Posts
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: April 18th, 2024

  • Ludwig Von Mises was a highly educated man and spoke post college level English and his native tongue, German. Are you sure you want to compare credentials? Joe Biden speaks well below high school level. Joe has nothing on a genius. His economic advisor is an embarrassment to responsible statecraft. The meritless kakistocracy that democratic Marxist activism promotes, for example DEI, promoting based on social justice instead of merit. Mises was a great man, Biden is a mediocre man who is elected by people who consider themselves less than him.

  • The problem with the US military capacity is what libertarians long argued about and even predicted. When you have essentially infinite people, taxes & money printing, with all peer competitors remove, thus no perceived rivals, including the low threat from Russia. Free to roam, the US engaged in a nation-building, and deposition of world leaders to refashion the world into a liberal world order that is subservient to US influence. The Saudis had their security quid pro quo, European countries cut military budgets to below the minimum, and all was great…for a little while. That is until the US ran into Russia, ignoring the conditions of Ukrainian statehood, which is neutrality. Yes, the people who watch CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, read The Hill, NY Times, listen to Joe Biden, Blinken, Hillary Clinton, Nikki Haley, Mitt Romney, Mike Pence, Jack Keane, David Petraeus, John Brennan, John Kirby, the list goes on, & the secret women & men who hold talks and meetings behind closed doors, believe information that tailored for their consumption, as to have a specific perception by false narrative. Their minds are a product of a militant democratic state that uses propaganda as to fill the lack with autocracy. These are products of the US psy-op operation. They are programmed drones.

    Psychological operations (United States) - Wikipedia - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychological_operations_(United_States)

    These elites make up the establishment, which can be termed “The Deep State”. It is a conformist and loyal fraternity of people who clearly have too much time and power in their hands.

  • Demand is relative. When the USSR collapsed, NATO countries, especially European members, dramatically cut military spending below the minimum mandate they agreed upon, which contradicts the Russophobia narrative. A reason why for “high demand” is that since the US was picking on small, weaker countries, it never had to face an adversary in a war of attrition. Instead, the US military during the unipolar moment. Uncle Sam focused on high-tech gadgets that focused on precision while gutting the true and proven kings of battle, like artillery and their dumb shells. Even the M777 shoots a high-tech GPS guided 155mm shell. Because the US government never provided checks on pricing, no bargaining, the US hyperinflated the costs for military procurement. Things that should be reasonably priced with their military contemporary equivalents, are ludicrously priced. Paying more for less. There is your price gouging there. They have done it to themselves. This is more than just attributed to higher income. The military suppliers purposely maximize profits over volume, and only produce just enough as not to lower their profit margins than necessary. American politicians won’t tell you about this, because their profligacy creates its own constituency, and a revolving door of politicians becoming lobbyist, and vice versa. You know, like Nikki Haley, who some moderate democrats find apparent qualities about her.

  • The US military is overstretched, both physically and politically. The US is said to have somewhere between 750 and 800 military bases in 80 countries. With defense pacts, quid pro quos, both bilateral, and multilateral, the US has many liabilities. Joe Biden apparently believes the US is very powerful and can take care of multiple conflicts. Possible war with Iran, their proxies, the Houthis, and the US obligation to protect Israel by treaty, and political influence. Obviously, in the war in Ukraine, the US seems committed to poking Russia with a stick. Then there is China, with the potential conflict over the South China Sea, and Taiwan. The Biden regime believes it can handle all these conflicts around the world, rejecting the concept of priority. Maybe he thinks the US had a two front war in WWII, and the US can do the same today, despite being a different economy from the 1940s. Another thing, is the US has expensive technology, but has no sustainability in a real war. The Pentagon lobbies for all kinds of futuristic combat programs and expensive toys, that it is a superficial military than people realize. Take the example of Russia and how quickly they were able to retool their economy and evolve their military to the situation on the ground, the Russians easily produce more capacity of supplies than the US and produces more than NATO collectively. Monetary aid to Ukraine does them no measurable good because the US industrial capacity is completely unprepared for a real war. The Russian weakness is distribution; logistics. The US has the most impressive logistics but no capacity. The ship building has been gutted. In a real war with a Great Power, even worse, a peer competitor, the US will face a shortage far sooner than its enemies. It is said somewhere, don’t remember where, that a hot war with China would have the US run out of ammunition in a few weeks. This is despite having the highest military spending in absolute terms than any other country. This is because the US government, the Pentagon, is inefficient. There is a black hole of spending to goes somewhere that Americans don’t know. They are government agencies that cannot be audited. Joe Biden wants to increase taxes for these rabbit holes.

  • Sanctions don’t work. Sanctions have never succeeded in regime change. Sanctioned countries can circumvent the sanctions by going around them. In the case of China, China is a 17 trillion dollar economy with a proven consumer market. If sanctions didn’t work on smaller economies, will it work for economic leviathans? Sanctions are a two-way street. Sanctions are a cost to the country being sanctioned and to the country imposing the sanctions. Trade controls on China are actually a sanction on US companies as well. In the EU, sanctions on Russia is a sanction on themselves. Now they have to pay for expensive, more complex energy structures., while a key component to stabilize that is natural gas.

  • This is not true at all. At best, renewables can manage a streak of 5 hours a day or 10 hours a day if lucky. I am sure you read, “This country ran on 100% renewable energy.” The catch is, it is not the norm, but lucky weather. I live in Texas. Texas ran on 100% renewables for several hours. That is no reassurance when a cold snap, cloudy weather, or stagnant wind. With fossil fuels, you can adjust the supply according to forecasted demand. You can’t do that with wind and solar. Batteries make a very tiny portion of the grid infrastructure as well. They’re not replacing natural gas plants anytime soon. At the same time, government subsidies supplant reliable energy with unreliable energy. I am not against green energy when it is applied correctly, but you can’t run an entire grid on renewables and not expect complications.

  • Wind and solar plants should be in areas where they make the most sense. You cannot create a resilient electrical grid with just solar and wind. Sorry, but there is no economical way to do that. Even with gas plants as back up, this is also not economical, because you need redundant power plants to fill in the gaps left by renewables. Take a look at Germany. No more cheap Russian natural gas. They shut down their nuclear power plants, and now they will have to import energy from France’s nuclear power plants. Wind and solar are not reliable energy for many places in Europe and North America. Transmission lines need to built which cost a lot of money, and they are a liability that needs to be replaced every 40 years. In the US, a state like Texas does not need solar or wind. It is a state with plenty of natural gas and constant generation is necessary for profitability. Yes, Texas leads in renewables within, but it doesn’t need it for energy.