Exactly, the country is what we make it, that’s what a democracy is. If we do nothing, evil will do something.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing
Exactly, the country is what we make it, that’s what a democracy is. If we do nothing, evil will do something.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing
Just do what corporations do. Start a subsidiary, transfer all assets to that entity. Spin the entity off as independent. Then declare bankruptcy.
Hexbear issues
If you want something that could fit the bill, maybe https://democracy.earth/
Nice headline
What’s the elevation?
Ukraine should make a deal with Europe. Europe should send troops to Ukraine.
How do you use microg with graphene? I thought this was unsupported.
And there it is
Can Americans do this too?
He had some good points, but I don’t think he has enough good points to fill a YouTube channel. He can be a little dramatic.
Its also like a Nazi salute
So don’t return?
Milei giving his best Borat impression
Are you talking about Elon Musk?
I don’t support the CCP, but I do think about these things. How do you create an open system like a democracy that leverages some of the benefits of capitalism, while also insuring economic inequality is minimized and every citizens basic needs are met, without gradually seeing the rich gain influence in that system over time, corroding the protections that make it work? I think as long as the system is open, the rich will use their power to gradually gain advantage and then destroy the system itself. I think the only real shot at it would be for wealth to be seriously capped. Like, no one person can have more than 100% more wealth than the bottom 1%. Anything above that should be taxed away. Also, corporations are not people and corporations should not have shareholders that are not workers.
thanks for the profound insight, nutsack.
Try adding the finger you use multiple times as a new finger. Adding it once wasn’t reliable enough for me, so I added it three times and its fine. Also, took some adjustment knowing how much to press down on the screen.