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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • It’s been two people bud. Other guy took over for me and I don’t see a need to repeat the information, he did a better job than what I would’ve done.

    Your statement is correct in he became popular because of his voice on C-16.

    Listen I don’t care to spell out every detail on why his statements ARE harassment. I don’t feel like you care to listen. That’s fine, no one expects you to be superman. It’s okay to not be right sometimes. You don’t have to change, you’ll just be left behind. Good luck gamer.

  • I’ll throw my 2 cents in. My experience closest to a situation like this is when one of my inlaws came to discover he was ace, while having a wife and kids. I won’t go into the weeds with what happened because I heard most of it through my spouse but I know it put a lot of strain on their marriage before their realization. Afterwards they had something to work on, which did help.

    They’re still married after a few years. But it’s a situation where I feel they should open it up because one side isn’t getting their needs met.

    The thing that will be important is being honest. My experience being with trans women is that their tastes/needs/wants change from pre transition to fine with where they’re at. I’m not the same person as my 10 year old self. It isn’t a bad thing, but as I said be honest to both yourself and your spouse. Think about how you want her to treat you. Think about how you want your child to treat you.

    Good luck, and I hope everything works well for you!

  • This isn’t an attack on you, but a personal belief. I don’t care what the authors intentions are. They can shed light on something but once it’s out, the media is out of their hands. Great example is the book “starship troopers” and the movie.

    Another thing I dislike is the ‘natural’ fallacy. Because force is described as ‘natural’. What’s natural is death, life, decay, growth, order, disorder. What the Jedi were shown to be is a weird sex cult that prevented people from getting in unless you had a ‘birth right’.

    If grey Jedi is what all jedi were supposed to be, then that is one thing. But that isn’t what was shown.

  • To be fair, it’s weirder to not be some form of a bigot when you’re born in 1904. And it’s also not surprising that it isn’t researched properly. Psychology today still isn’t researched properly.

    I’ll eventually watch it in my mornings, but I hope it’s more than just “some show is anti-LGBTQ because the boomer who made it learned from someone older than him.”

    The main thing that would make me think a fanbase is bad is if the fanbase has higher than normal ‘problematic group’. Star wars is popular enough you’re going to get every type of fan. There is always a small vocal majority in the fanbase. If one out of every thousand fans is a vocal asshole, then a billion fans you’re going to get a million vocal assholes. That wouldn’t be anti-LGBT that would be par for the course. It would be society, not the show’s fault. If it has less than a million then I would say it tries to welcome LGBT folk, because it’s going against the norms of society.

  • Bi, poly, married. 0 tolerance. If you’re needing this much trust, then there is no way I could be with someone who doesn’t trust reality. I don’t have time, the mental capacity, or desire to be with someone who probably should be in a special needs group.

    The amount of hand holding and coddling these people need to not throw a fit is crazy. You won’t even get the crazy sex you’d expect from someone that deranged. 2 pumps and they’re going to think they’re champions. No after care, nothing but doggy, they won’t even do the dishes.

    They’re nothing but dead weight in a relationship. A family is a multiple person event. You expect someone who can’t see past their nose to be good in that environment?

    Your best case scenario with dating conservatives is basically with the rapist Brock Turner. He’s at least rich you can mooch off of before…the obvious happens.

  • I have a 20yo car with a bad torque converter that I’m dragging my feet in replacing.

    It shakes at stops and to get it to stop shaking I shift it to neutral. Your car is in the shop so you can’t really make that test.

    Fuel sensors can cause some funky things though. Give fuel when it shouldn’t and not give when it should. It will cause misfires that way.

    Driving with faulty parts will cause other systems to fail. It’s usually better to replace things sooner rather than later.

  • Internet websites aren’t the government.

    Hate speech is bad for business. It only makes sense for corporations to ban hate speech.

    You can make a nazi website, for nazis, by nazis. Those already exist.

    I see one chud and I’ll block them. If the site is nothing but chuds I won’t use it.

    If a website sucks, use a different one. Your attention is monetized, and if you want to say nazis are good to be around then give them space to exist. If not then do something about it. The website owners are not restricted by freedom of speech.

    I personally feel like large enough public forms should be held to a higher standard, and if people said half the things they do online irl they’d get beaten and thrown in jail.

  • If you don’t vote then the politicians don’t care. They’ll see your ambivalence as a sign that you think things are fine. Also look more at local elections more than big ones. They help more than you think. Primaries are where you’re actually allow people left of 1980’s Republicans get elected. There have been elections where I’ve been one of the 10 people voting. It really isn’t hard to change elections if you’re doing it right.

    Also aren’t most of the book burnings happening in multiple states because of just 10 people. Knowing how to vote and apply pressure is better than making some politician 20 minutes late because you pulled out a valve stem core.

  • Maybe I know too many “clean” homophobes
    Maybe I’ve seen to many people with a lisp that are homophobes.
    Maybe most of the time I see queer folk they aren’t all dolled up.
    Maybe I work blue collar and the only personalization to my person while on the clock are my purple boot laces.

    But I don’t quite like the “gay people HAVE to look good” vibes I got from reading the first half.

    Second half is good though. One of the people I used to work with let their kids painted their nails. So I did the same to make fun of people who complained that he did something nice for their kids.

    I’m also not the biggest fan of introducing with pronouns. Time and place, I’ve done it before and certain contexts it is good to do. I don’t like getting limited by gender. I would rather people treat me for me. I’m a “man” so I must abuse my spouse and never wash my butt. Or I’m an enby so I must be a soft bottom.

  • My second and third paragraph should have that covered.

    If it is a situation where you know you get horny and someone is trying MDMA for the first time, you don’t disclose that you do get horny, and you have sex. I would say that is a gray area that leans towards bad.

    My first time trying edibles was with someone that I already had sex with and was planning on having sex with that night. If we got horny from that and fucked sooner than expected then that would be fine.

    I guess to sum up, if you put someone in a situation where they don’t have knowledge of the possibilities that is bad. Everyone already feels this when it comes to other things. Like hidden fees. They said x but y happened. Why should I expect y to happen? This is a new situation and I’m ignorant and you took advantage of it. Even if I got what I originally wanted the “price” changed.

  • My spouse and I have drunk sex.

    If I’m at a party and I’ve been with a person for a few months, have already had sex before, and already talked about doing it after I also see no issue.

    If you are going to a party that is explicitly for sex and drugs, you should expect to have drunk sex with strangers. You know know this is going to happen before becoming intoxicated.

    If you have talked about maybe making the attempt to date show up so a party on E and corner someone in a walk in pantry, that isn’t fine.