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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • I’m picturing a CEO in a board meeting suddenly turning heel on the fiscal policy and spinning it as “y’know it really is our duty as a fortune 500 American company to be paying our taxes because it pays dividends back into this country…” met by the credulous looks from everyone else in the room and mix of eager to pensive nods from other Executives.

    The C-suite trying to pull fast ones by Accounting hoping they won’t notice but getting their plots subtly foiled by the existence of so many tax loopholes.

    The only thing across the runtime that definitely 100% for sure won’t happen is the blanket lowest-pay raises, but it frequently gets brought up as a joke that’s only funny for the first few episodes and quickly becomes a tired cliche; the last resort suggestion that has to be tried and shot down every. single. time even though it becomes increasingly clear that it would be a net positive for everyone. In that sense, the humor is still there, but it’s in the cynical acknowledgement of the situation rather than the lowest paid employee actually being the butt of the joke.

  • Imagine a world where combined C-suite salaries were capped at the tax burden a company owes past a certain point. I think that would be incredibly funny to see the conflict of interest at play. Want your accounting/legal department to research tax loopholes to exploit? Sure thing, but it’s coming straight out of your paycheck!

    Oh, you “had a bad year”? Probably shouldn’t be taking home a hundred million dollars then.

    Combined with a “top pay can’t make more than x times the salary of the lowest paid employee” with the exception being the tax thing, I could see it being a great double bind into making companies either pay their workers more or actually pay their share in taxes.

    I know it would basically never happen in the US but a girl can dream

  • I don’t know anything about non-cartoon guy, but after confirming my guess, the sign behind says “Sneed’s Feed and Seed” at the top which is indeed a Simpsons reference. Apparently it has ties to 4chan culture as well, if the knowyourmeme page is anything to go by.

    The Simpsons character is from the episode/scene in question, and I don’t know if he is given a name because I’ve never seen the full episode.

    Edit: Additionally, the Simpsons character has been edited specifically to resemble a rule 34 rendition of Omni-man from Invincible, in which the artist depicted him with a suit on, but very skin tight and leaving very little to the imagination with everything visible through the suit. The original image was/is also shared around a lot in some spaces, mainly for shock value but there could be additional meaning. You can also find info for that on the knowyourmeme page for “Thicc Omni-Man” (potential NSFW warning)

    No idea what the significance of the choking-with-buttcheeks is, but I’d imagine it’s not great.

  • I had my suspicions that the issues I’ve been running into are mostly because of the worsening botting/scraping situation, and in part due to the general very slight preferential treatment Chromium browsers get on the wider Internet, where anything weird coming from Firefox automatically looks more suspicious because it’s an underrepresented browser already.

    I typically just look up “Firefox Hardening Guide” and follow what looks like the best of the first few results every time I do a fresh install. Because of that, I don’t know exactly which guide I followed last, but this one echoes a lot of the steps I remember taking. I’ve since turned webRTC back on because it kind of broke discord(… I know, I know, discord is terrible for privacy but it’s where all my peeps are at!) Didn’t tweak everything outlined in guides such as the one linked, but pretty much whenever there was privacy to be gained seemingly without significant website breakage, I’d toggle it.

    The user agent thing was bizarre, especially since it was also on Minecraft.net! I swapped to a generic Chrome on Windows agent and it instantly started working again and let me use the site as normal again. That said the user agent thing doesn’t always work… But the fact that it does sometimes may be a clue to why websites seem to hate my configuration.

  • I have found that it happens more frequently with sites I’ve either not been to before, or not visited for a long time… Again it does seem to go away after 20 minutes or so for any given website, I just find it weird that it seems to be happening more.

    I might have been exaggerating the degree to which this happens… It’s been only around 5-10 occurrences since the start of the year, but it happened so rarely before that point in time I barely noticed. Could also be a coincidence, it’s just barely enough though that I’ve been starting to get suspicious and wonder if anyone else was having issues

    But yeah no VPN or anything and it’s occurred across 3 of my devices, only thing in common was Firefox and that I’ve taken steps to harden it on all of them

  • I don’t understand this take. You can enjoy a product but still understand that it brings more harm than good to society as a whole. I’m guessing tobacco is something you “need to function” because of the very fact that you regularly used it in the first place, probably at least partially due to the industry’s predatory practices.

    Don’t get me wrong, withdrawal is an absolute nightmare I am blessed to never have experienced firsthand, but cases of lifelong dependence are why those companies should burn in the first place. If there were a way to get you and others like you what you need while wiping the rest of the industry off the face of this planet, I’d do it in a heartbeat.

    If you genuinely enjoy smoking and believe tobacco has enriched your life, more power to you. Perhaps someone selling tobacco to people in your situation doesn’t bring harm, but selling that same product to someone who’s never smoked before and might potentially become hooked for life? Yeah, straight to hell. Fuck them.

  • I went to a pretty big local convention last weekend. Lots of people cosplaying and I wish I could have been a part of it but damn it’s a lot of work and I didn’t have the time to put together an outfit. Either way it was a lot of fun, I feel really lucky to pass but sometimes I wish I weren’t so tall.