The bow was my entire reason to play this game
The bow was my entire reason to play this game
He was basically absent from her life, i don’t think the outcomes could be attributed to musk positive or negative. She obviously had to find her own way with a negligent and abusive parent, who just happened to end up being the richest man in history.
Famously when the nazis demanded obedience they did so not by making laws outright banning speech. They simply made sure that nobody in any position of power would risk drawing attention and behave accordingly “of his own will”
Its brilliant that a hundred years later people with access to any human in the world just… do the exact same shit Germans did.
From They Thought They Were Free, the Germans 1933 - 1945
[…] "I gave them French and English literature, more so than before, although to do so was one of those vague betrayals of the ‘new spirit’; still, it had not been specifically forbidden. Of course, I always said, to protect myself (but I said it in such a way that I hoped the students would see through it), that the foreign works we read were only a reflection of German literature. So, you see, Herr Professor, a man could show some—some independence, even, so to say, secretly.” “I understand,” I said. “Many of the students—the best of them—understood what was going on in all this. It was a sort of dumb-show game that we were all playing, I with them. The worst effect, I think, was that it made them cynical, the best ones. But, then, it made the teachers cynical, too. I think the classroom in those years was one of the causes of the cynicism you see in the best young men and women in Germany today.”
"Tell me, Herr Hildebrandt, what about [Shakespeare’s]Julius Caesar?”
He smiled very, very wryly. “Julius Caesar? No … no.”
“Was it forbidden?”
“Not that I remember. But that is not the way it was. Everything was not regulated specifically, ever. It was not like that at all. Choices were left to the teacher’s discretion, within the ‘German spirit.’ That was all that was necessary; the teacher had only to be discreet. If he himself wondered at all whether anyone would object to a given book, he would be wise not to use it. This was a much more powerful form of intimidation, you see, than any fixed list of acceptable or unacceptable writings. The way it was done was, from the point of view of the regime, remarkably clever and effective. The teacher had to make the choices and risk the consequences; this made him all the more cautious.”
What’s absolutely insane about it is that we literally got here by accident. Some homeopathic crank was selling diluted poison water to people, so he created a double blind test to prove his “medicine” was actually better than doing nothing and telling someone they would feel better, which ended up proving him absolutely wrong conclusively along with creating the wellspring of all medical advancement in the last century.
Behind the bastards did a series on the guy who invented this, and how he was a charlatan who’s only achievement was creating the means of proving himself wrong lmao Added a link if you want to check it out
Cautiously going to say I’ll take your word for it but I’m not putting my faith in anything except my own abilities to agitate, organize, and disrupt govt functions. If there were a mechanism for creating real change able to be used by congress we wouldn’t be allowed to vote. System’s working perfectly. It lasted long enough to let a despot and his cronies infect every aspect of the system, just to tear it down and replace it with the open face nazi government the oligarchs have been demanding since 1865.
These books should have been required reading for the last 80 years. The fact you can graduate high school without being able to articulate how the Nazis controlled Germany is an act of evil against every citizen who enters the world.
It was not some ubiquitous evil spirit that usurped the free will of Germans, it was a choice and a set of instructions in which disobeying would lead to death.
Like the passage you quoted - it is a self perpetuating social structure requiring obedience while demanding that “you know what you’re doing is wrong in the moral eye of the government” i/e “we don’t have to say it’s illegal to teach kids to think, we just have to make sure that the moment a kid starts thinking they know to report you for subversion”
Education around nazi germany starts and ends with “they were ontologically evil” and were leading a unified Germany. This is stated as fact without any context of how the election in which they gained control of the government was won with 30% of the vote. We aren’t taught that the liberal politicians voted alongside nazis to implement these laws that dissolved the German constitution and gave Hitler full control. We aren’t told that they did this “to avoid the disaster of a failed government” and to not be targeted for retribution after the laws passed.
Instead we are given a Disney movie story of Hitler unilaterally usurping supreme control over every German, only being stopped by the heroes of the allied powers once we learned how terrible it was.
No record of the NYT platforming nazis, the German American bund, the resistance to joining ww2, the business plot, chamberlain, Henry Ford NONE of that history is taught.
And now we see why.
The university said it’s reviewing the Trump administration’s letter. “We are committed at all times to advancing our mission, supporting our students, and addressing all forms of discrimination and hatred on our campus,” it said in a statement.
Yep, it’s done. We’re already right here: “The new Nazi commissar wasted no time on the amenities. He immediately announced that Jews would be forbidden to enter university premises and would be dismissed without salary on March 15; this was something that no one had thought possible despite the Nazis’ loud antisemitism. Then he launched into a tirade of abuse, filth, and four-letter words such as had been heard rarely even in the barracks and never before in academia. . . . [He] pointed his finger at one department chairman after another and said, “You either do what I tell you or we’ll put you into a concentration camp.” There was silence when he finished; everybody waited for the distinguished biochemist-physiologist. The great liberal got up, cleared his throat, and said, “Very interesting, Mr. Commissar, and in some respects very illuminating: but one point I didn’t get too clearly. Will there be more money for research in physiology?”" https://www.facinghistory.org/resource-library/controlling-universities#%3A%7E%3Atext=The+new+Nazi%2Cresearch+in+physiology%3F%22
Covid deniers when their opponent is covid
I’ve seen something about this pop up occasionally on my feed, but it’s usually a conversation I’m nowhere close to understanding lol
Could you recommend any resources for a complete noob?
Ah yes the age old economic practice of creating an extortion racket against an audience of what I’d assume are mostly kids
The markets are never wrong, lemming!
Idk how monopoly go is getting that much in micro transactions but it should be illegal
Just a heads up, if they force YouTube to ‘embrace faith based programming’ you’re allowed to start killing people, it’s in the constitution
No no, don’t worry. They’re still going to work for him and do his bidding, they’re just not going to be bullied into paying him $20billion over a factually imaginary grievance. They’ll get the case thrown and then issue a public apology for having to defend themselves and then immediately hardline into defending the administration. Tale as old as time.
This is of course assuming the admin doesn’t simply revoke their broadcast license before they get the chance to bend back over.
“Unexpected job losses” lmao maybe these people, specifically, were incompetent. They couldn’t even bother to read the fucking platform of the person they voted for!
Fuck your own life over I don’t care but to be so selfish and incapable of critical thought to the point of harming millions of people to sooth your ignorance is straight up evil.
You know how history is gonna remember these people? The same way everyone thinks about the poor Germans who voted for Hitler because they were afraid of losing their small business in the depression: as fucking nazis.
I just don’t understand why a marxist would cape for russia at any point in any form. Russia is MORE capitalist than even america, at least until this past January. Might as well defend pinochet since he also was a unitary executive.
Socialism is when no bread mfs look at russia like “that’s pretty socialist!”