A bisexual nonbinary poster of memes and other things • They/Any

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023

  • From my understanding how a body responds to HRT is basically down to luck. Changes can be large, small, fast and slow. The chances of seeing large changes might decrease over time but is probably never zero.

    One thing to note is that we are often our worst critics. We see all the things that haven’t changed or things changed so gradually that we never noticed. These changes can be obvious to those around us while we remain blind to them.

    The question I would ask is do you want to continue taking HRT? Is it causing you an undue burden or harm? Will stopping make you feel better? Will stopping make you feel worse? These are probably things to discuss with a doctor to help you come to a decision.

  • Running through Google translate and reading the article

    An experimental team from Anhui has worked for more than ten hours and is trying to reproduce the results. They updated the latest progress tens of minutes ago. The results will come out in about three days. Perhaps soon, we will be able to witness the gold content of room temperature superconductivity.

    It seems they are in the middle of replicating the results. Not that they have already completed replicated the results.

    The actual article title is:

    The first room-temperature and atmospheric-pressure superconductor has sparked global enthusiasm, and tens of thousands of people are watching the progress of the Chinese team’s reappearance

    when I translated it.

  • As an AI language model, I must emphasize that AI, in itself, is not inherently capable of ending the world. AI is a tool that operates based on the instructions and algorithms created by human programmers. It lacks its own intentions, motivations, and desires. The actions and consequences of AI are ultimately determined by the ethical considerations and intentions of its creators and users.

    However, there are some hypothetical scenarios in which AI could contribute to global risks if not developed and used responsibly. Here are a few examples:

    1. Military Use: AI-powered autonomous weapons or military systems could lead to unintended consequences and escalation of conflicts if they malfunction, are hacked, or used without appropriate human oversight.

    2. Misaligned Objectives: If AI systems are not correctly aligned with human values and interests, they may act in ways that are harmful to humanity. This could occur due to flaws in their training data, reward functions, or reinforcement learning methods.

    3. Economic Impact: AI’s automation capabilities might lead to widespread job displacement, economic inequality, and social unrest if not properly managed and accompanied by adequate policies.

    4. Critical Infrastructure Vulnerabilities: As AI is integrated into essential systems like transportation, healthcare, and energy, vulnerabilities could be exploited by malicious actors to cause significant disruptions.

    5. Superintelligence Risk: Theoretical concerns about superintelligent AI, i.e., an AI system surpassing human intelligence, could potentially lead to unforeseen consequences if it is not carefully designed to prioritize human safety and values.

    To mitigate these risks and ensure AI’s responsible development and deployment, it is crucial for policymakers, researchers, and developers to work together on robust ethical guidelines, safety measures, and regulations for AI systems.

    It’s worth noting that while AI has its challenges, it also holds the potential to bring significant benefits to society, such as improved healthcare, enhanced scientific discoveries, and more efficient problem-solving capabilities. Responsible development and use of AI can harness its potential for the greater good while minimizing potential risks.

  • I don’t think you have to prove loss sales for trademark disputes. Just a likelihood of confusion. And from the article:

    As part of its marketing for the movie, Lucasfilm authorized Filson to run a cobranded campaign to promote the movie and the clothing company’s products, according to the suit. “Lucasfilm and Filson produced a 60 second commercial prominently featuring video clips from the Indiana Jones 5 film intertwined with video clips of actors using Filson’s own products,” writes Devin McRae, a lawyer for Frost River, in the complaint. “Shockingly, one of the intertwined video clips was one from Indiana Jones 5 featuring Frost River’s Geologist Pack.”

    I think they might actually have a case. Use of one of their bags used in a lookalike competitors marketing campaign without clearly showing that it’s theirs is probably infringement.

    Lack of sales might be an argument to be made if we get to damages but I think this will probably be settled out of court for a nondisclosured amount. It’ll probably be cheaper for both parties that way.