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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • Most big background check service companies are checking your criminal history directly with the court houses of where you’ve told them you’ve lived. Many will also verify your past employment directly with those companies as well. Depending on the company/job title they may also be checking your credit score/bankruptcy history or verifying degrees with universities as well. They don’t care about what data brokers have on you because they’re getting verification on things directly from official sources.

    I don’t know if you’re worried that your too “locked down” privacy wise for a background check to clear? I wouldn’t worry because if you’re using your countries equivalent of a SSN and living “on the grid” but not online at all they’ll still be able to get the info they need/want anyway. I’ve had employees who didn’t even have emails or own phones/computers clear background.

  • The name of the rose. The movies…fine, I guess. The books at least 300 pages too long and frequently segues into long-winded discussion of the political minutiae of the warring monastic orders during the reign of Pope John XXII.

    If you want to read about the time period you’ll be annoyed by the murder mystery shoehorned into your dry long winded historical fiction. If you wanted a murder mystery set in a historical setting then you’ll be annoyed by the history lesson being shoved down your throat like a dehydrated fig newton.

  • I have never had to ask someone for help with my laptop even after an update. As far as I can tell my PC isnt slow and Ive never noticed spam. I just don’t use/push my laptop enough for that to have ever been a problem.

    That said, if someone installed Linux for me and set it up? I’d use Linux. The operating system really doesn’t impact my use of the laptop. The point I’ve been trying to make, and that seems to be largely being lost on the angry Linux bros on lemmy, is that using Linux isn’t the barrier and most people would use Linux- if it came pre-installed. Installation is the barrier, not use. If you put it on family/friends computers they’ll probably use it just fine. They just aren’t gonna bother learning to install it themselves.

  • I feel like this gets so close to understanding why non-technical people don’t use Linux. I had a class once in college I had to use Linux for so I have used it. It wouldn’t be hard at all to use Linux for what I use my computer for everyday. So if my laptop come with Linux or someone else installed Linux on it I’d be fine. I might not even notice right away honestly.

    The barrier isn’t using Linux, the barrier is installing Linux in the first place. Windows also works fine for the random low level stuff I use my laptop to do, so why would I go out of my way to install Linux when it would improve my life 0% and be a huge boring hassle for me?

  • I think Nex used they/them. Knowing Oklahoma they aren’t gonna look into this anymore at all. It’s already a very backwards state when it comes to respecting human life, the fact that they were non-binary essentially means that there no chance Oklahoma is taking this seriously.

    Even if a concussion didn’t contribute being non-binary in as hostile a place as OK can’t have helped. As long as these assholes are in charge kids will continue to die (and not just Trans kids, it’s not a picnic being any minority in Oklahoma).

  • So it’s actually the Military that’s in charge of Thailands government. Its a constitutio al Monarchy much like England but the ruling government has been the Military for around 10 years now. The Kings mostly a figurehead just like King Charles. The last King of Thailand was so popular that he could significantly influence the people if he chose, the current King is largely seen as a useless playboy.

    Thailand does have a lese majeste law which makes it illegal to insult the King. They are not the only country with such a law, ex. Germany has a similar law making it illegal to criticize the president (though it seems to be largely unused) and Denmark has a law preventing the ridicule of its Monarchs.

    So it’s the Military that’s trying to oust an upstart civilian governmental party/movement. They seem to be using the lese majesty laws as an excuse to oust their rivals. I’m not sure just how effective it’ll be since the current King isn’t very well liked. Then again I’m sure they’re running their propaganda beside pictures of the late King who was beloved. Someone with closer ties to Thailand may be able to tell us how receptive people seem to be to this move.