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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • Windows OS is one of the biggest misses in the company’s history. The money lost on Zune pales in comparison to the missed opportunities of making NT the go-to dev platform.

    People like Mac OS better. The most popular user OS in the world is Android. Cloud is Linux. Microsoft knows they have to play nice because they are so far behind there’s no point in competing how they used to.

  • Unfortunately I don’t think this is mostly religion. A lot of people are stupid. Sincere question, when was the last time you talked to a normie?

    I chatted with my hairdresser yesterday. She didn’t know:

    • what a DMZ is.
    • who SBF or Elizabeth Holmes are.
    • that there is an anti trust case against Google.
    • the word “query” as in “search query”.

    For Halloween my girlfriend and I are going as SBF and Elizabeth Holmes. She commented that “no one outside [my] little circle is going to know who those people are.” I started to disagree but, in a way, she’s right.

    Don’t get me wrong, she’s wonderful and hilarious and chill af. She’s just a bit dumb. And that’s okay but it’s true.

  • For me it’s not about the shittiness of the Church. If you are from a progressing and welcoming church then that’s great and you’re probably giving some people a community who might not have had one otherwise.

    I get more caught up in the fact that an adult would actually believe this crap. Even young kids know magic isn’t real but actual adult humans believe in it with all their hearts.