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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 4th, 2023


  • Out past the planets is the heliopause, the final boundary between the solar system and interstellar space. Voyager discovered it, but other probes have confirmed it. The radiation and particles emitted by the sun create a pressurized bubble around it, where plasma (energized particles, mostly hydrogen) is much denser than past the heliopause. Cosmic rays are more prevalent outside it.

    I’ve heard it compared to the empty zone around where a sink faucet first hits, creating a little “wall” of water around it as the splashing water pushes back the standing water.

    “Empty” space is anything but. There’s tons of particles and energy flying though it, just not as dense.

  • My partner and I were both fully boosted and both caught it in November. I’d been only been boosted for a week, her for 4 weeks. For whatever reason, her case was worse with about a week of fever, sore throat/sinuses, and all that. I never got a fever but was otherwise similar.

    We’d both managed to avoid catching it at all before that, despite going on regularly and flying internationally a few times. We’ve just been good about masking and getting our shots.

    I think this current strain must be extremely contagious. It sure was nice back when the government was tracking and reporting on this stuff.