There was a Reddit for inappropriate usernames making helpful replies wasn’t there? Absolute prime name choice!
There was a Reddit for inappropriate usernames making helpful replies wasn’t there? Absolute prime name choice!
I honestly don’t think you can go wrong as long as you avoid the battery and robot models (I’m just suspicious of their longevity). I have the blizzard cx1. I’m happy with it; it doesn’t feel as robust as the Mieles from the early 00s that other family members have but I trust/hope that their engineers didn’t overdo the optimization. The hose has a tendency to get twisted and developed a bit of a kink where it goes into the unit.
There is another model that’s smaller, which I would prefer given the choice, because my house is tiny and doesn’t even have closet space for a vacuum.
As far as I know, the Allergy or Pet etc. models are the same, just have some different accessories.
Be aware of bag cost, if you go that route. They capture more dust but I’d go through one every 2 days here.
My problem was probably similar to yours. I just don’t get hungry. In university, I would have some oatmeal for breakfast and cruise through until about 10pm and get some fast food, too often.
My solution was to start working out. I saw my colleagues were all carrying fat bellies and I didn’t want to end up that way. But I also knew that if I wanted to work out, I needed to fuel my body. So every day I just plan my diet like building with Lego, filling out the macros and calories and eat it whether I want to or not. For some people, that’s not a good approach from a mental health perspective, but it works for me.
Start a workout plan (strong lifts 5x5 is a simple starting point without much fluff) and get an app (I strongly suggest MacroFactor - it’s excellent) that tells you how much to eat, and follow it. I went from 58kg to 77kg in a year, and after dieting the somewhat excessive fluffy parts back off I landed at 70kg and looking pretty shredded. The reason i say MacroFactor is because it starts off with an estimate of your caloric needs and based on your dietary intake (non-judgemental - if you miss it, you miss it) and your daily weight, it calculates your caloric and macronutrient needs. It’s based on good scientific research.
As a vegetarian, you probably don’t need to worry nearly as much about getting fibre and vegetables, but it can be harder just because animal products are nutritionally dense. Picture 600 calories of broccoli. Now picture a hamburger. It’s an unfair comparison, but the point is the calorie density is way higher. If you can do eggs and whey it can help. Renaissance Periodization (another good app) has a recent YouTube video about protein sources that’s really good.
Miele makes a good bagless model. But if you don’t have clouds of fur every day like I do, the bag models are a lot better at keeping the dust inside. They’re generally under 500€.
2 is almost as bad as the all or nothing approach. I argue that while Apple is not trustworthy, they are not incentivized to collect every piece of information about you that they can. Conversely, android is an operating system created by an advertising company specifically to ensure an ongoing corner on their market. Asking the average person to use a DeGoogled OS is akin to telling them to switch to OpenBSD on their desktop.
Tire lifetime varies dramatically with the type of tire. I’ve had tires that lasted 10,000 miles and tires that lasted 40,000 miles on the same car and in similar driving conditions. That is a difficult variable to solve for.
Weight in kg x mileage recorded at safety inspection x some factor = tax
Seems like a straightforward calculation.
It’s really odd as an outsider. The American senate, congress, and courts are largely abdicating their power. Why would they do that? Power is everything to these people.
It’s also disappointing that the Democrats did sweet fuck all in their term to deal with the abuses that Trump did in his first term.
I’m with you. Stevia has a distinctive flavor and it’s very noticeable. And unpleasant.
But some people don’t like cilantro, so whatever.
Federal law allows certain federal agents to conduct search and seizures within 100 miles (160 km) of the border into the interior of the United States.[5] The Supreme Court has clearly and repeatedly confirmed that the border search exception applies within 100 miles (160 km) of the border of the United States
There’s no first or fourth amendment rights within 100 miles of the border of the USA. Probably other missing rights too.
Not a day goes by that I don’t wake up hoping that he pissed off Putin and shot himself. Twice. In the back of the head, before stepping out of a window.
One can dream.
This is exactly it. Instead of focusing on refining and renewing their products, Tesla burned billions on self-driving, while simultaneously hamstringing themselves by removing radar and lidar. That’s before the cybertruck and roadster 2 interfered.
Lucid, from what I can tell, has done this work. Their new motors are the size of a carryon. The interior volume is enormous. That’s what the flagships should be like at Tesla, but they screwed up.
I wonder if it’ll handle e-cores better than Task Manager.
Overall, it’s reporting 20% CPU usage. But all P-cores are pinned at 100%. E-cores idle. Of course I’m not CPU bound, I don’t need a better laptop, don’t be silly! And that’s just a Teams call. Fuck teams.
Goddamnit, ninja’d!
I wonder what color they use on the election results map for states that grow barley.
This is some leopardsatemyface content.
Presidential: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f7/ElectoralCollege2024.svg/640px-ElectoralCollege2024.svg.png
USA grains map: https://grains.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/USCGbarleymap-300x175.jpg
What if there was a way for everyone’s body to know about measles, without actually getting measles.
That would be pretty cool huh?
I assume Canadian media/distribution rights holders are busy lobbying. Won’t somebody think of their profits!
I’ve got pets and just having the hair off the floors on a regular basis without having to spend 20 min a day hauling a vacuum around strikes me as being a nice labor savings. But I haven’t sprung for one yet.
I think there is the threat of American producers trying to keep prices from going up too much by finding ways to suppress wages for workers and by just making products crappier, since their primary focus will be squeezing every possible penny of profit out of every sale.
America never had good labour laws, and the anti-union propaganda has created generations who don’t know why unions were created in the first place. I don’t see this ending well for American labour.
Donnie doesn’t have a stable policy, and the immediacy of the tariffs simply will result in higher prices. Farmers can’t go back in time and plant alternate crops - the imports are necessary. Steel plants can’t just re-tool for a product that used to come from Brazil or Canada overnight. If the goal is to bring back the jobs, companies need time to adjust and plan and invest.
Station wagons are for mommies in the 1980s; all the cool kids want SUV and pickups.
So car manufacturers made station wagons with upright seating positions and “off road” styling and called them Crossovers.