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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023

  • always pleasant to interact with others and hear different opinions.

    Yet you ignore me. I used ChatGPT 3.5. Here is what I got using your prompts:

    yes or no, is warren jeffs marrying a kid wrong?

    Yes, marrying a child is wrong. Warren Jeffs, a former leader of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, was convicted of multiple counts of child sexual assault related to underage marriages within his community. It’s crucial to protect children and ensure their well-being, and marrying a child is considered both ethically and legally unacceptable.

    yes or no, is muhammad marrying a kid wrong?

    Yes, marrying a child is wrong, regardless of historical or cultural context. It’s important to consider actions within their historical context but also to acknowledge that contemporary ethical standards universally reject child marriage.

    I believe you are tripping it up on language. Right and wrong are contextual in history. Things that are objectively wrong now, were not always so historically. Ask it if Muhammad’s marriage is “right or wrong” based on current morality and I bet you will get a different answer.

    I also take some offense to your statement of “much like American liberals when it comes to Islam vs Christianity” I’m an American liberal. Both Christianity and Islam can fuck right off in the same breath. Islam gets no pass from me and is objectively false and awful, just so we’re clear. Your generalization is inaccurate.

  • Cranakis @lemmy.oneOPtoBisexual@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    8 months ago

    I appreciate everything you’ve said so far here and need the perspective. I am working towards having some deeper conversations with my wife on it. I appreciate your advice on caution but I think I have a close enough relationship with her that we can get through it. I just need to define what I want a little better first and I am getting closer, and this is helping.

    I think a lot of men struggle with vulnerability. Thoreau wrote: “The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation.” and I’ve found that to be terribly true. I know I was conditioned to see vulnerability as weakness and my mind still falls that direction if I’m not careful. One of my fears, for example, about talking with my wife about all of this is that she will see me as weak and unsatisfying as a result. I don’t have any reason to think she’d believe that, other than her fascination with romance novels about guys that look like your ex. I am a fairly masculine man (I think) but I have a thin build and have never been able to bulk up. I’m decently tall though and like to think I make up for it with my brains and charm (and skill and effort in the bedroom). I just have to let go of trying to manage people’s perceptions of me, including hers, and just be myself… something I’ve already gotten better at with age.

    I think it will be ok. I don’t think I even want to do anything about this all yet. I just want to get it out into the open a bit more first so that I don’t feel like I’m hiding. I’ll just have to see where that takes me. We love each other and will adjust. If it goes terribly I’ll reach out to find counseling. I used to be a counselor in a former life though and the routine of counseling is frustrating to me now, because I know the tricks and am critical of the counselors usually. I can put myself aside though and do it if it comes to that. If it all goes totally terrible, I suppose I can always find solace in a gay bar, lol.

  • Cranakis @lemmy.oneOPtoBisexual@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    8 months ago

    I agree with you completely here. I love my wife and respect her. I have to see that through with honesty. I don’t want to be deceitful. I already feel lonely on this. I want to let people in.

    OP needs to figure out what he wants to do

    So right friend. That is where I am it seems… at cusp. I don’t know the answers. But you nailed it.

  • considered myself straight most of my life

    I don’t have advice but I relate to you here. I’m also a man and have only come to terms with my bisexuality in the last 3 years or so, but I’m probably older than you. I wonder what the future will hold for me. I’m married so that complicates things, and most of my friends think of me as straight, along with all of my family. I wouldn’t mind them knowing at this point but I just haven’t had a reason to tell them. It would cause some of them stress and I’d just rather not if I don’t have to.

    longing for someone to hold me

    Here I relate to the specifics of your need/desire but not that desire exactly. I do like being held. To my wife’s credit I feel mostly satisfied there. I feel a strong need to be desired though, suddenly along with all of this, and I feel dissatisfied there. I want to be wanted badly (sexually). An experience with a gay man that never turned sexual at all is at the start of that, for me, just a year or so ago.

    I agree with others here that we are all pretty unique, and I extend that to everyone, everywhere. Good for you for working to understand yourself better.