I’d love to do the same but I need to max out my ram before doing so. I have been working with Blender as well, so it’d be a benefit on that front as well. I have been going through the making a head tutorial and reached a point where it maxed out my system resources and I couldn’t progress.
I used it to help fine tune a couple short campaigns for other artifact items. I am going to run through those eventually as well.
It’s a very interesting usage case imo. DnD Beyond has that 3d campaign program out in beta right now. This would be a good usage for that system to me. Especially for small groups that struggle to find a DM or enough players to run. It could be a help to someone trying to run solo as well.
I’d love to see LLM integrated into video games more to help give the NPCs life and make the game feel more life like. Even enemy NPCs. I’d love to see a game where enemy NPCs wander from their “zone” and try to attack different areas. Maybe even cities.
It’s something that DAoC had in it, in limited quantities. I remember one small town would get attacked every so often by a group of NPCs. You could watch them march from their usual camp over to the town. They’d stand outside the walls and the leader would yell that they were in the area first and would yell insults. While this was happening, they’d throw rotted corpses over the walls. It would give you a disease debuff every time you entered, and you could get attacked by giant bugs that were attracted to the corpses.
Eventually they’d retreat on their own. If you could take out their leaders, they’d retreat then as well. If you killed the leader while he was in their camp, it would delay them going to the city until he respawned. If you kept attacking the camp over and over, it would diminish their number so much that the respawns would slow down. You could eventually clear the camp and keep it that way for some time.
I have to wonder. P2025 has hit the ground running. Wouldn’t they have a contingency in place for just such an occasion? I’d bet they already have someone up their sleeves for the eventuality of him passing on his own. There is definitely someone up their sleeves for if we have another election. I do think there would be a vacuum. I think it would be short lived. We all suspect the gop is falling in line due to blackmail material. Their relief of the blackmailer being dead would be short lived when they realize he didn’t actually hold the cards. They’d all fall in line behind whoever the back room tells them to.