The fucking roof looking like legs 💀
Lmao why are some people so bored they downvote every comment I make on the page?
The fucking roof looking like legs 💀
Don’t see anything
“So we are a nation with history, but let’s get to WW2 right now”
Shinzo Abe won’t, neither will forest fires or January 6
Imma be honest, most of these events will either be just quickly mentioned or not even taught
Bro this isn’t a language-specific sub
Has been doing so since 1918
Wait he was supposed to be ugly?
What a specific answer
Living there or from there?
Oh and what’s true to you?
You shouldn’t use another oxymoron
Or maybe because both Texas and New Mexico used to be Mexican until the anglos ethnically replaced the natives and Hispanics that lived there at the time
You live in North Mexico?
I don’t think about dreaming in color, but I don’t dream in b&w either
Like, I dream in normal colours without realising it
The Europe-Asia flight in question: West Istanbul to East Istanbul
They’re already doing the same thing in the West Bank