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Cake day: February 5th, 2025


  • In short, Kant said people should be the goal, not the means.

    It’s ok to make yourself dinner.

    It’s ok to make your friend dinner because you want to make them happy.

    It’s not ok to make your friend dinner because you want to have sex with them.

    It’s not ok to make your friend make you dinner because you don’t want to cook.

    Every facet of capitalism is exploitation by design as profit is unpaid labor. However classless socialism isn’t automatically devoid of exploitation.

    None of us asked to be here. I certainly don’t want to be here anymore. Placing the value of a life upon the imaginary lines it landed between, how much money it’s parents had, or the color of it’s skin are all pretty fucked up.

  • Some of this is objective. Some is just nostalgia.

    You can still download music and play wow. On this front you probably miss simpler times when you weren’t aware of problems you are now or resent responsibilities that took you from things you enjoyed and make you feel old.

    On the other hand, society globally is markedly worse than before COVID with substantial right-wing shifts.

    Unfortunately, end of days accelerationists and techno fascist billionaires have been working quite hard to make the world a worse place for several decades…

    So I largely agree. Personally, in terms of skills and assets, I’m in a much better place than I was 2000 years ago. However, in terms of happiness and hope for the future… I actually still had some then.

  • If the system had any legitimacy, Trump wouldn’t have been given office the first time due to violating both emoluments clauses much less allowed on the ballot the second time while being an impeached felon.

    Even if you think the results of this election are legitimate (both Trump and Elon have as much as said they are not) the GOP has made no secret of P2025 or their goals of cracking down on blue states in future elections.

    The slow road to fascism still leads to fascism. Democrats and Republicans are the gas pedal of imperialism. One pushes softly. One pushes hard. Before you argue consider the insanity of Greenland is basically exactly how we took Hawaii. Democrats are largely just good cop convincing you to fuck yourself over for the system. http://politicalcompass.org/uselection2016

    Firstly, there are many reasons third parties aren’t possible but the largest is basically the Constitution mandating simple majority voting which naturally falls into a duopoly. A third party either cripples or replaces the one it’s closest to. CGPGrey can explain it further: https://www.cgpgrey.com/politics-in-the-animal-kingdom

    Then you have to understand Democracy is a political system and capitalism is an economic one. In simplest terms, capitalism is a small group of capitalists that own the factories and get all the profit set opposite a large group of workers that sell their lives an hour at a time. The US has a legal fiduciary duty to shareholders which basically means profit must always be maximized. This is the constant pressure on wages to stay down and prices to go up. That doesn’t sound inherently terrible until you read into SEC EDGAR filings and find out that the overwhelming majority of every privately traded company is basically owned by BlackRock and cellar boxing has been used to rob American pensions and cripple American businesses including cancer treatments. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/owpfc3/will_the_real_gme_bbemg_please_stand_up_part_1/

    A democracy relies upon educated, competent citizens. Educated, competent citizens think critically, get engaged in politics, want clean water, safe working conditions, and well paying jobs. All of those hurt profits. What more people need to understand is capitalism will always have an intrinsic need to undermine democracy.

    What’s more, democracy undermines democracy when it’s a representative republic wherein only the wealthy can run for office on platforms approved by the wealthy. The DNC and RNC are both privately owned corporations that say who can run on that ballot. All the talk of term limits is further myopic, ignorant self sabotage as there is only a shortage of competent, principled people willing to spend their life in public service. There is no shortage of amoral self serving opportunists for corporations to push through election after election. Eventually you just lose the institutional memory of all the competent individuals.

    We’re supposedly a nation of the people, by the people, for the people, but once Corporations became people, they became the only people that mattered. 75% of theft is corporate wage theft but you can’t arrest corporations because they don’t have hands.

    This is without factoring in the decades conservatives have spent filling government with end of days dominionists and out right fascists.

    This “blue no matter who” bullshit is a different flavor of “lesser evil” that got us here because you can’t fix a system when it’s working exactly as intended. The founding fathers never wanted Joe Everyman voting because they knew he was a fucking moron. Voting was limited to land owning gentry because they were wealthy enough to not have to work and were able to learn.

    All of our failing points are intentional. They don’t want smarter people. They don’t want more people voting. They want servile minions.

  • Several points.

    One, look over my post history and you’ll see I’m not a fan of the Democrats because they’re marginally less bad conservatives.

    Two, like I give a fuck if reality hurts their feelings, but I’m not being elitist favoring my side. Anyone falling for the false dichotomy doesn’t understand reality to the point they could form opinions that matter. Like anyone that favors term limits is automatically a gullible rube that hasn’t looked into it at all. The majority of people rely on received opinions and specious reasoning for almost everything because actual consistent coherent thought is a learned still.

    Three, I’m being objective and not judgemental, hence the links. There’s hard data everyone is just fucking dumber largely due to Republican efforts to sabotage education being met half way by Democrats.

    And four, look at the link about gerrymandering. They spent decades literally cheating. Capping the house at 435 in 191X also massively empowered conservatives. Then you have to look into the end of times accelerationists and evangelical dominionists… Lots of cheating, sabotaging education, and obvious racism in law enforcement ignored.


    Five, the term right wing comes from the French parliament that wanted to keep the monarchy in power. The founding fathers were college educated aristocracy that wouldn’t have wanted white trash voting or owning guns (federalist paper… 27… Or 29?) and yet conservatives worship them.

    The entire ecosystem is full of gullible assholes in authoritarian power structures where independent thought is punished.

    They’ve always been garbage people.

  • Well the biggest problem is that the fuck does conservatism want to conserve?

    Selling off parks, betraying labor, violating people’s right to self determination…

    If you mean Republicans, those are open fascists.

    The ones doing any amount of conservation are Democrats, but eventually one realizes nimby liberalism is just the slower road to fascism as it always bends the knee to corporate interests. We wouldn’t be here if this wasn’t true.

    The “responsible adults” in the room are either spineless cowards, incompetent dupes, or malicious insider trading bad actors themselves.

    Between the Business Plot and the lack of any action against cellar boxing American corporations into bankruptcy and predatory economic bubbles it becomes ever clearer the goal of the entire system is to fleece the poor masses to make the rich minority ever richer.