I didn’t understand what imgur had become before I clicked the link and briefly thought the library had lots of copies of Twisters in 4k.
I didn’t understand what imgur had become before I clicked the link and briefly thought the library had lots of copies of Twisters in 4k.
Who will carry on the knowledge of what the a:\ and b:\ drives were?
This is why we need to ban hurricanes.
If I just use a projector, do i still have to worry about the maker of the tablet that connects to the projector doing the same thing?
They make phones. I had to look this up since I had never heard of this company.
I would find it weird to be referred to as Nothing staff, or a Nothing employee.
Wouldn’t criminals just wait to do crimes until it’s raining?
Do you have a hook up on some free dog shit?!
Is the job to be interacting with a computer for the entire duration of your shift? Fuck this incentive structure that requires people to fake touching their computer parts to show that work is being done.
Can they please give Val Kilmer his voice back too?
Play that Funky Music, Rammstein is pretty fun: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tcUB-3lud60&pp=ygUfcGxheSB0aGF0IGZ1bmt5IG11c2ljIHJhbW1zdGVpbg%3D%3D
If I may offer a counter-point, I’ve been the supervisor of an employee that was on leave with no expectation of returning to work. I supported their decision and made sure that they had access to our employer’s health benefits, medical and mental, and tried to help with placement opportunities as much as i could. Though as the supervisor I was not able to hire someone else to do the work while the employee, who had made clear they would not perform the job any longer, was still technically employed.
Protect your right to punish your leaders.