Usually, my own thoughts are the only ones that matter to me. The exception is the rare occasion when I actually create a post or comment asking a question. That’s when I want to know about what you think. Otherwise, buzz off.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I’m all happy because I bought my pan pre-seasoned about two years ago and now it has that perfect black non-stick coating on the bottom that will last forever! I’ve only had to re-season a pan once, because someone wanted to be “helpful” and brillo padded the shit out of it. Plenty good reason to never have people stay over ever again!

  • You should read the Lemmy Code of Conduct, which I am not bothering linking to because you should have already read it. The answer to your question is there. You can be banned, but if a mod bans you, there’s a time limit on the ban. Mods can, however, ban you for a very long time. Using that slur on Lemmy would probably inspire most mods to delete the comment or post you used it in and not much more, unless you come back and repeat the offense. I’d also like to ask you if you have the intelligence to find and read the Lemmy Code of Conduct for yourself. It’s quite clear on this. Also, I would also like all people who take the time to read my comment to know this: Lemmy is not a magical alternative to Reddit. People on here insult each other in comments and it’s sad. I’d like to know why people can’t calmly discuss any topic. People on the internet use slurs for topics of conversation as diverse (and apparently innocuous) as cross stitch and baking blueberry muffins. Why? Anonymity. Why are people not holding themselves up to better standards when they are anonymous? These people could be working in the cubicle (or dungeon) next to yours, every day, nine to five, and you’d never know what kind of real person they are and the attitudes they keep to themselves only to unleash said attitudes with anonymous abandon on the internet. This guy or woman could be your cousin, husband, wife, grandpa, grandma… It blows the mind.

  • That’s where you’re wrong, when you’re on the whole “it’s their work” thing. They shared a link. The link is out there. Somebody else created the content on the link. I’m still actively searching for the link, which I shall share all on my lonesome when I find it. The author did nothing more than share a link. Not much work there on the part of the author. What got up your ass, anyway? As I said in my post, I would love to have the opportunity to retrieve the link the user shared. The user didn’t create the content available on the link. The link disappeared with the post deletion. Also, let’s not credit people with content creation they didn’t create. You’re not really too smart or something and you’re harassing me. Would be really nice if there was some decent moderation around here. In my community, you would have already been shut down for being belligerent when unnecessary. Also, I will share the link here for you when I fucking find it, because I am going to find this goddamn link on my own with no help from that user. Know why? Other mod is from Pakistan and studies anthropology and loves criticizing colonialism just as much as I do. And you? You’re a major troll making outrageous accusations that are unfounded. I just want my URL to post again, because we loved it over there in our community. The URL. That’s it. We just want our MTV and our URL.

  • It saves it if a moderator acted on it. In this case, the user acted on it, and everything was lost. The only way the full content of something shows up in the modlog is if a mod deleted. The user deleted. I just wish I could recover the link that the user shared so I can share the link again, because I think with all my heart it’s significant. I’ve been spending a lot of time looking for it now to just post it to my community myself. Such an impact. Historically important photos from the colonial era of India as well as present-day Pakistan and other places. Anyway, my point is that there is a difference between what the mod deletes and what the user deletes. If the mod deletes it, it’s there in full in the log. If the user deletes it, no trace. Which is weird. Ever try to delete your account on here? Still can’t without begging an admin for that.

  • I’m not trying to do anything. I don’t know how to do it. The ethics of it is beyond my small mind. Really nice post that, on the ethics front, criticized British colonizing of India and other parts of Asia. I think you really need to discuss your ethics issue with the British Empire that is no more or something. I’d really love to recuperate the link that the user shared and just share it myself, nothing more. Your ethics radar is really off here. I guess you haven’t heard of external links? Criticisms of colonization by Western Powers in the past? What compass guides your ethics? The one up your anus?

  • In the USA, the birthday thing is the best thing about the USA. It’s all about being selfless (I’m American btw, been living in Spain for so long I’m a citizen) and it’s actually something that creates conflict in interpersonal relationships between natives of Spain and the friends they make that are not from here. It is a huge drama that somebody needs to make a documentary film about now. This birthday thing has no age. It could be a 20th birthday or a 100th birthday. You ain’t invited, you didn’t know, you didn’t bring the presents, you just keep to yourself in the public venue. It’s harsh. It’s harsh because you were excluded and you don’t care, because you’re American, you just want to be nice and wish them a happy birthday. Spanish people are all nope on that shit. It’s all about the presents and who bought you the drinks and food.

  • It’s more like after they bought the new clothes. Like, your friend bought new clothes and wants to show you what they bought. It could be a friend, a brother, a sister, a cousin, an aunt, anybody. While shopping for clothes, before they buy the clothes, is the right time to criticize. It’s perfectly acceptable, and desired, to be out shopping and trying on clothes before buying them, to say whatever you like. “That makes your ass look huge, don’t buy that!” is desired, not discouraged. Never trust the salesperson. The employee of the store is going to tell you it all looks good so you buy it, even if it looks bad. They even try to sell you more crap, saying things go together when they don’t. I’m talking about after they bought the clothes and they’re showing you what they bought because you’re their friend or relative or whatever.

  • Just misunderstanding social cues. Where I live (Spain), there’s a script you’re supposed to follow for certain things and newcomers, understandably, don’t understand the script. One famous example is buying new clothes. They all look great on. The idea here is that the poor person spent their hard-earned money on the new clothes. Damned right they look great on! Another would be birthdays celebrated in public venues. Perhaps someone you know is celebrating their birthday in a public venue and you had no idea they were celebrating their birthday on that day. You walk up to them and wish them a happy birthday, BUT you were not invited to this celebration. Since you weren’t invited you did not come prepared with a present for the birthday person. The safe thing to do is to ignore, socialize with the people you came with, and make like that person isn’t even there until they approach YOU. When and if they approach you, you make pretend you’re all distracted and you have to be like, “Ahhh! I didn’t see you! What’s up?” The reason: that person is buying all the invitees the drinks and food. In exchange, the invitees have brought presents. It’s a very nuanced and weird situation all of us have encountered. We err on the fear of not having brought a present because we had no idea because we were not invited.