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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • I believe that something resembling religion will reappear in society (American society, I mean) in the future, maybe even the near future. Political substitutes for religion have given meaning to people’s lives, i.e made them feel apart of something greater, but they have not provided them with physical community, a path toward self-improvement, a guide for how to manage interpersonal relations (Apart from “don’t offend people”, in the case of progressivism, I guess?), or any compelling reason not to be afraid of death.

    Traditional religion’s staying power came not from oppressive power structures or whatever people think these days, but because of all of that. Just having an oppressive power structure and none of the other stuff has generally led to religions/philosophies dying out within a few generations, like Nazism or communism. Both of those had their time to shine, completely ruined the societies they took over, and are now viewed as jokes by most people today. Meanwhile Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc, which offer way more than ideology ever has, have been around for millennia and are on track to stay around for millennia more.

  • I think using a political philosophy or a common enemy to unite a society is more harmful than it is good, since those things will inevitably be held sacred, and it becomes impossible to think rationally about them. Religious people are able to disagree on things like economics because the things that they hold sacred are supernatural sky gods, instead of things which are of this world (Americans are an exception due to the polarization of the two-party system and the compelling force of American Civil Religion, which makes freedom, democracy, and the Constitution into sacred things), but people who hold a political ideology like Marxism or Liberalism to be sacred (Tons of people, many of them on this very website) cannot tolerate disagreement and will ignore facts that might disprove their ideology. This is manageable when it involves nothing more than a sky god, but when it involves the very basics of how society should operate, it gets bad, quickly, which is how you get thousands of dead dissenters and a permanently stagnant society. Using a common enemy is even worse since it leads to an irrational hatred of said enemy that drives people to do horrible things to eachother, with the most infamous example being the Holocaust. The Nazis also held their political ideals to be more sacred than their religious beliefs, coincidentally.

  • It depends on what the subject is. Learning things requires energy, which we don’t have an unlimited supply of. If you ask me a question about, say, Hotwheels toys, I’m gonna tell you I don’t know the answer, and I do not care nearly enough about Hotwheels to put time and effort into researching anything other than surface-level facts about them. This type of ignorance is fine by me, I’d rather deal with a person who knows they don’t know anything about a subject and doesn’t care about it than someone who knows little yet cares deeply about it.

  • You’re literally a communist, you don’t get to speak to anyone else about respect or having a backbone. Your specialty, as shown in this comment section, is twisting others’ words and running from your prior statements. Now, if you’ll excuse me, it’s two hours until midnight and you’ve proven yourself not worth speaking to. I like to stay off social media on Sundays. If you are ready to engage in good faith discussion and apologize for your statements about non-whites come Monday, then we can continue this conversation then. Goodnight, and I hope you can become an adult someday.

  • It is an easily discernable fact that western nations who value inclusion, democracy, economic freedom, property rights, and tolerance are more moral than countries like Russia, who value none of those things. This is also visible when America wages war. America makes painstaking efforts to avoid civilian casualties even when enemy action makes it exceedingly difficult to do so, especially in modern times, and that’s why only 46k civilians died in Afghanistan. America’s war was also justified because we were attacked first, but you seem to think Al-Qaeda’s attack on a civilian target was justified because of the acts of America’s government, and it doesn’t take a genius to figure out what other atrocities you believe are justified by your own logic.

    Meanwhile, Russia is systematically raping Ukraine and Russia’s predecessor, the Soviet Union, killed or exiled a third of Afghanistan’s population. Numerous genocides and ethnic cleansings were also committed in service of the Russian ethnic group by the USSR, and another one is ramping up in Ukraine as we speak.

    Note that Russia is also white, meaning that there is no racial dimension to this. You brought whiteness into this, and you have exposed what you really think about non-whites when you stated that being moral is a trait of the white man. Your obsession with me being a fascist or a white supremacist is merely projection meant to obscure your own beliefs.